Girlfriend and boyfriend

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Today was Thursday, a day that I had been dreading all week. I swallowed the bile forming on my throat, as I awaited for the judge to come and start the trial. In front of me, I could see Tommy sitting there. Fiddling with his cuffs. He was calm, surprisingly.
Finally the judge had arrived and we were all made to stand and then sit down when she did. I was beginning to grow nervous, but I had to do this. This was the only way that me and my mum would be free of him.  And then the trail begun.

I sat by myself in the car. Beaming happily. I bet I looked like a sycopath just smiling to myself in the car. The first trial had gone great! In fact I think I convinced the judge that he deserved to stay in prison. My mum  was still in the hall, and she called my phone.
"Baby. I'm not coming home right now. Make your way, don't worry about me.", I could hear her walking but I didn't know where she was going. Before I could reply she ended the call.
I started the car and decided that I was going to spend the rest of the day at home.

I snuggled up on my bed, preparing for a day of happiness and serenity but I heard my bedroom door open and standing in front of it was Daryl. I was about to throw something hard at him because I thought he was an intruder.
Daryl had gotten out of his wheelchair yesterday, and since then nobody had heard from Daniel. Nobody wanted to involve the police but some were starting to get worried. What was that fight really about?
"Hey baby!", he shouted and gave me a hug.
"I was meant to spend the day by myself but you had to come and ruin it didn't you.", I slapped arm, upset.
"Come with me."
He held out his hand and I contemplated on whether or not I should go. I shook my head and crossed my arms but Daryl picked me up like a baby and put me in his car.
"Ugh! Where are we even going? Aren't you supposed to be at school?", I challenged, raising my eyebrow.
"Ok mum.", he laughed and started started car.
I acted like an angry little child the whole way. I looked out the window, grunted when he asked me something and frowned the whole time with my hands crossed across my chest.
I realised we were at the theme park. What were we doing here?
As we walked outside I stood in front of my door.
"Why are we here?", I asked as he payed for the tickets.
"To have fun! Come on.", he said and grabbed my hand.
I didn't want to have fun. I just wanted to relax at home, watch a movie or read a book, or study. Anything than being outside.
Daryl had payed extra for skip the line passes so we ran straight to the front. It was nice to be finally out of the crutches I had been wearing for the past three months. Our first ride was the fastest roller coaster in the theme park, it was also the longest. I got into my seat reluctantly, wishing that I wasn't here but then I turned to face Daryl and he was really eager. In fact he was smiling like a maniac, and he was talking to a random stranger next to him. They seemed to be really engaged in conversation that Darly barely even noticed the ride easily.
The ride was shorter than I anticipated, first off: the beginning was very slow, and when we finally got to the part that went up Daryl was screaming excitedly like a little kid.
Second off: it was incredibly fast when we were sent flying down the tracks and full speed. My hair was flying everywhere and the adrenaline that wasn't there before the ride was now here.
Third off: when the ride did end I wanted to go on it again, and talking about every second that I experienced on that roller coaster.
"So...I guess you are enjoying it.", he nudged my shoulder, drinking the slushie he bought us.
"No.", I shook my head.
"Come on, Julie! Try to!", he smiled.
We finished our drinks and went to go on other rides before we ate.
All the restaurants were too expensive so we decided to go to the buffet hidden away at the back of the park. It was a very beautiful building too. A light cream colour was painted on the bricks, the door was dark oak, giving the building a very calm, chill vibe. I liked that, it was me. Very me.
We went inside, greeted by a tiny ding of the shop bell that told the chef that there were hungry people waiting. The smell of freshly baked pizza filles my nose and it made me extremely hungry.
Daryl put his hands in his pockets and began walking towards the till.
Time to eat, my tummy rumbled.
I held my belly like a pregnant woman and waited impatiently for him to pay. Once he did, I ran to an empty table and set stuff down. Without giving a second thought, I picked up my plate and instantly took four slices of pizza, fresh and crunchy French fries and a tall glass of coca cola. It didn't take me long to find Daryl sitting there, smirking at me.
"What?", I asked taking a fry and eating it whilst talking my seat.
"Nothing," he laughed, "You're hungry.", he pointed at my massive portion of food.
"Very.", I spoke before placing a slice of pizza in my mouth.
Daryl shrugged and got up to get his food. He came back with a tall glass of sprite and a small amount of pasta and salad on his plate. I stopped munching and darted my eyes at my food and his. The difference! He was eating a small amount, plus he was eating healthy at that. And I was eating four slices of pizza with a huge pile of fries.
"How can you eat all of that?", he laughed, taking a bite of his food.
I didn't answer straight away though because my eyes were focused on something else. His jaw. The way he was eating his food. Mmm, so sensual.
I shook my head and dragged my eyes back towards his food. Suddenly I didn't feel hungry anymore.
"Not hungry anymore.", I said, pushing the plate slightly further away from me.
He took a fry and ate it.
I decided to spend my time finishing my drink and staring at Daryls mouth move. How good would he be at...
I got up, and went to the bathroom. I guess I drank too much coke.
Sure, the unwanted voice said in the back if my mind.

After we finished our food we decided to make our way home. The day had been long. I grabbed her hand and we went to her car. I liked the interior, it was warm, fuzzy and definitely Julie.
My heart was pounding, I was about to do something that I hadn't done at all.
Julie seemed to be oblivious to the whole thing because when I got down on my knees she freaked out.
"Get up!", she screamed at me, terror in her shaking body.
"Why?", I teased, smiling at her.
"You look fucking dumb."
"I don't care." , I shrugged.
By this time a huge crowd had formed. It was now my time to shine!
"Julie, I need to tell you something. Something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. you... a lot. Like on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being in love, its a 10.", my knees were starting to hurt, Julie's face was bright red, "And I have an important question. Will you be my girlfriend? ", I smiled at her.
Julie looked up at the crowd, everyone cheering her on. I held her shaking hand and she nodded.
"Of course I will! Now get up, you dipshit.", she laughed.
I finally got up of my knees and I felt her warm hands pull my face closer to hers. She pulled me in for a deep kiss, everyone cheering around us.
We pulled away and got into her car, and the crowd began to disperse.
"What was that for?", she laughed.
"You're my girlfriend, now.", I smirked and we kissed again.
Even though we were dating now, I knew that I wouldn't get used to kissing her the way that I did. My heart rate increased massively and I just couldn't stop!
"Let's go home.", she gave me a quick pat on my leg and we drove off.

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