Special Spy Equipment

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I couldn't focus in class because the constant thudding of my heart was too loud in my ears. And Daryl was to blame for it. Him and the others still hadn't come back but i couldn't help think about what had happened. Felicity was watching my every move, she already knew too much and I didn't want to tell her about the way he had touched me.
"I can't focus.", I whispered.
"Why?", she asked, placing her pen on her book. I shrugged at her.
Felicity went back to work, and my teacher started to talk.
"...And thats how you find the artieres...", he began but was cut off my Officer Kyle barging into the classroom, like he had done when we were in the cafe, and before he even said my name, I was up and ready to leave. I watched his eyes land on Daryl, and he nodded at him but he made sure to ignore him. Probably his parole officer or some shit. As we walked out the classroom, I could see everyone staring at me in shock. I giggled to myself at the memory of the first day of school when I rolled up in a police car. We walked out the door of the school and I felt the cool breeze on my face. I loved it.
"I know I'm not supposed to be asking but, like, is Daryl on parole or something? How'd you know him?", I asked, not caring if he could answer or not, but the answer shook me to the core.
"Ha! Someone else is. Daryls my son!", he laughed. I froze in my place, my smile disappeared and I stared at him in shock. My mouth was open wide and so were my eyes.
"Excuse me?!", I exclaimed.
Kyle just nodded and I laughed nervously, the man that was looking after me was Daryls dad? Why hadn't Felicity told me? Did she know? Even if she hadn't, is God trying to tell me something?
I followed Officer Kyle into the police car, my eyes still wide with confusion and my mind asking more questions than I knew I was going to get answeres for.
The car ride was short and we had gotten there quicker than before. We were silent the whole way, the radio on.  On the whole way I tried to wrap my mind about what I had just been told. Daryls dad was a police officer! The irony!
"I've got her, let's go.", Kyle said, slamming his hand on the table, to get get attention of another officer. He was different, he wasn't the same one as the cafe. I didn't mind, I didn't even know why I was here. The other policeman was holding a clipboard and file case. Probably my step dad's.

"Hello, Julie.", he said.
"Hey.", I replied, taking in my surroundings. The room was different and unfamiliar. It looked more like it belonged in a cop show series.
"It's okay, you don't have to be scared.", he smiled, nodding towards Kyle who now had a serious face. Despite this officer telling me not to, I was frightened, I didn't know what was going on or why I was even here. I was also shocked, about everything that had already happened in my month in Sea Corner. I guess its true what they say, 'there's more to what meets the eye' , especially in this little town.

"Dad?", I asked, making myself a snack in the kitchen. He was in the sitting room, watching the tele when I asked him.
"What do you want, son?", he replied.
"Yknow that girl?"
"What girl? Julie?", he paused the show, now paying more attention to what I was saying. I nodded and he nodded back.
"Weeeellll... on the first day why did she come to school in your police car? Is she some kind of ex criminal or something?", I asked him, trying not to sound intrusive but failing miserably.
"Why do you ask?"
"I mean...she's walking around with my dad, who is a police officer."
"Can she not spend time with your old dad?", he joked, fixing himself on the couch and resting his hand on the head of it.
"I can't share anything, it's her business. If she want to tell you she can.", he said.
"Pleaseee... not even a tiny bit?", I begged. My dad just shook his head.
I groaned and went up to my room, switching on my phone I called my friends. Quickly they all answered.
"Yo!", Mike said first.
We all greeted each other, talking about our plans for the next few days.
"Guys, I need to throw something by you guys.", I pointed out.
"Go ahead."
"Do you guys know whats going on with Julie? Did you see how she instantly knew she had to get out of the class, is she an ex criminal or some shit?", I asked them, as if they knew the answer.
They all shook their heads, indicating to me that I was always talking about Julie. I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my thumb and index finger.
"Weeeell... we could just spy on her.", jake suggested, a smirk forming on his face. I rolled my eyes in both satisfaction and annoyance. He was always coming up with crazy ideas, but at that moment I stopped what I was doing. I fixed myself up into a position where I was sitting up and spoke,
"That might just me a great idea.", I said, surprised that for once, Jake had said something useful.
Instantly, the day after, I got put of bed, not bothering to say goodbye to my dad or eat my breakfast. I just quickly took a shower, got dressed and ran out the door. It wasn't long before I was walking into school, all my friends by my side. Today we were searching for the school nerd.
His name was Andrew Smith. The boy always used to bring his high tech spy equipment to school, showing off how amazing he was when in fact no-one really cared. They were only there to use the spy equipment to see if their boyfriends or girlfriends were cheating on them. He would explain to them that it was used by his great grandfather who was an international spy for American Goverment but no one believed him. His popularity was only high for the week and after that nobody seemed to give a fuck, not like they had before though.
We walked through the school halls, searching for the boy. And I came to to conclusion that instead of of hall he was most likely in the library. The place we never go to.
"Are you sure?", Mike asked in disgust.
We nodded and Daniel opened the door, he was the first ti go in not a care in the world. His hands in his pockets and he strided towards the back of the library. It seized to amaze me about how I was the main popular boy when Daniel was known and loved by more people. He had the past that everyone rumoured about, the police, the gangs, the drugs, everything. We were just caught up in it. I shook my head and told myself I shouldn't care about that right now, and followed Jake and Mike who were already standing with Daniel talking to Andrew.
"...do you still have it?", I heard Mike ask, slamming his hands on the table. I watched Andrew look up at him, he was scared.
"Don't scare the little guy, he looks sooo scared.", I teased him, talking like a baby at the end.
"Why d-do you...you want it-t?", he stuttered.
"Are you cold?", Daniel asked, rubbing his arms, and laughing. His eyes were wide with hatred and amusement.
"I have them at home.", he told us  finally.
"Good, let's go then.", I said, turning around. When we all realised he wasn't following us, Jake and Daniel went back to go and grab him. They dragged him out of the library and into my car. If people didnt know better, it would've looked like we were kidnapping him, which to some extent we were. I was the last one to get into the car, and as I made my way in, I slammed the door shut, making it shake as I did. None of us bothered to put our seat belts on and we drove off, without a second thought. Well, us at least not Andrew, who was sitting in the middle of the twins, playing with his seatbelt nervously.
"Here we are." I said as I parked the car. I  turned to face the nerd, my hand on the steering wheel still. He looked scared, and we all laughed at that.
"Is your mummy at home.", Daniel asked joking around.
He nodded quickly.
"She won't mind. She likes me.", I said. Everyone looked at me confused, especially Andrew.
"Oh you didn't know. I've been sleeping with her.", we all burst out laughing, I loved making dirty jokes like that, except for Andrew.
"Let's go.", I said, opening the car door. I told Jake to stay behind and watch the boy as me, Daniel and Mike went inside. We all decided to be polite and knock on the door. It opened, and a short woman opened the door. She seemed to be confused as to who we were. I smiled at her, and indicated to open the door wider.
She was hesitant at first and did as I told her.
"Hello." ,I said, pushing past her and making myself at home. I walked inside and looked around his house. It was a decently sized house, every room had just what it needed, nothing less or more. Daniel gave a sarcastic smile to Andrews mother.
"Who are you, excatly." She asked, folding her arms on her chest.
I ignored her for the moment, tossing a delicate peice of China to Mike who pretened like he wasn't going to catch it but at the last moment did. I put my hood up. And so did the others. Instantly, his mother got scared and she wanted to run to the phone but I beat her to it.
"Looking for this?", I asked, "WHO do you wanna call, the fucking police?"
She tried to grab the phone off of me but I was too quick for her.
"Just taking a look. Mike stay with the pretty little lady.", he nodded and locked the door, refraining her to leave anyway.
Me and Daniel went up stairs, looking around each room to see which one was Andrews and what one contained the equipment we needed. I was determined to do anything I could to find out more about Julie's secret.
"I think it's here." , I heard Daniel shout out from another room, and sure enough it was. I fixed my hood and went inside, the room looked like it belonged to Andrew and instantly we started looking around. Daniel decided to take pictures, to show everyone to make fun of him, as I went around looking for the equipment.
"Here." I said, finding it. It was tucked away under his bed. Inside a huge box, the equipment was stuffed inside it.
"What is this shit?", he asked, giving me a confused glance.
"I don't know, we'll get him to come over, he'll be able to tell us what to do." I said.
Daniel nodded and held the box in his arms. I made a quick detour to Andrews mums room and went through her jewellery. I picked out a beautiful diamond necklace and stuffed it into my pocket, and went to her cupboard next. I purposely went through her panty collection to get at Andrew, and when I found her lace one I stuffed it into my pocket and went out the room, meeting Daniel and Mike by the front door. His mother looked scared to hell, and she so desperately wanted to call the police. But as we opened the door, I threw he phone at her and she managed to catch it as I shut the door behind me. It wasn't long before we were in the car and making our way back to school.

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