Fake smiles

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It was Monday again, the day I had been hating since Friday because my mum would make me go to school, and make me be around Daryl again. He didn't know that I had seen him with Patricia that night so I thought that it would be a great idea to just leave it and pretend like nothing happend. I put my jumper on, kissed my mum goodbye and got into my car.
Reluctantly I drove my car to school and parked it next to Daniels car. I sighed in relief, at least he would be here to protect me.
I got out of my car and standing by the front door of school were the four boys, all laughing and chatting away, although I got tell Daniel was faking it.
I made my way to them, putting on my own fake smile. When I arrived at them, I greeted everyone leaving Daryl last and usually I would call him babe but I just called him by his normal name. I wrapped my hands around Daniels arm and listened to their conversation. I could see Daryl looking at my hands on Daniel and he looked up at us both. I quickly managed to dart my eyes away before he caught me.
"Let's go inside.", he said, and put his bag on.
Everyone moved except me and Daniel.
"Oh, thats okay, we'll just stay outside.", I said, still holding onto Daniels arm.
"Oh, umm...if you want to we could stay out too.", he smiled.
"Nah, that's fine. You guys go.", I shooed them away.
When me and Daniel were left alone, I looked up at him and broke into laughter. This whole thing was dumb but it was funny. From inside I could see Daryl watching us.
After a while, we walked inside and I let go of his arm. I hugged him goodbye and went to homeroom.
Daryl was sitting in his usual seat, where I would usually sit but I decided to sit on the other side of the back row. He raised his eye brow, confused and said goodbye to Jack before walking to me.
"Hey baby.", he kissed my forehead.
I sighed and ignored him.
"Julie? Baby, what's wrong?", he asked, placing his bag by his chair.
"Nothing.", I spoke queitly.
"What's...what's going on between you and Daniel then?", he asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You were holding his arm. Oh, and were did you go on Friday, I tried to find you but you weren't anywhere.", he pointed out.
Yeah, I went home in tears with Daniel. Now I realise that you're just a horny bastard who used me for my body, Daniels much better.
"Oh, I went home because I was really tired.", I lied, these same thought running through my mind.
He nodded and the teacher walked in, homeroom started.

After homeroom finished I went to the locker room, to get my stuff, and Daniel was waiting for me there. I greeted him and grabbed my stuff before we headed to lesson.
"So, how'd it go?", he asked, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"He asked me where I was last night. He really thought I didn't know.", I whispered back to him, tears threatening to form themselves.
Daniel noticed and wiped my tear, "Why are you crying?", he asked me, holding my shoulders with his hands.
"Because Ive realised that this is all my fucking fault.", I told him.
He hugged me tightly, whispering apologies to my ears.
I hugged him back, tighter.
He grabbed my hand and continued walking to class together. Class had already started, and we were slightly late. Daniel walked in, helping me sit down.
"Why are you two late?", the teacher asked.
"We were in the front office.", he lied for us.
Daniel shook his head and the teacher sighed, and ticked our names off on the register.
We sat in the middle of the class, and luckily none of the others were in my English Literature classes so I was safe for now.

As lunchtime approached us, I went to find a table for me and Felicity to sit at. I was planning on not telling her because, even thought we were best friends, I couldn't talk about it unless it was Daniel.
Patricia was at her table, that she always sat at, and I a long, strong wave of anger washed over me. It was a feeling I hadn't felt before.
I looked down at my lunch, and I remembered that there was a snack in my bag, so I did something I would never regret ever! I grabbed the plate of chicken and rice, and the bowl of curry that was put on the side for more flavour, and walked up to Patricia.
When she saw me standing next to her, her face changed to extremely annoyed. And at that moment, I dumped all my lunch on her. The curry, the rice and the chicken, even my dessert, a chocolate mousse.
She gasped in shock and horror and the whole canteen watched, laughing at her. She looked up at me and I laughed at tje way she looked, it was priceless. Luckily I managed to take a photo of her before she realised what I had done to her. Even Patricias friends were laughing.
A teacher walked in and when she saw the state that Patricia was in, she gasped in shock. Hurriedly, she called the Nurse, Principal and the Janitor to come to the rescue.
"Oh you wait and see.", she whispered angrily at me as she was taken away to get cleaned up. I laughed in her face, and went to take a seat next to Felicity, who was staring at me, mouth open and eyes wide.
"What?", I laughed at her, getting the snack out of my bag.
"You- y...I...Patri...umm...why...she...", she stuttered.
I laughed at her reaction and shrugged.
Principal Amesh called me over to his office. I rolled my eyes and walked slowly to his room.
When I opened the door the expression on his face scared me. He was extremely angry.
That's what that fucking  bitch got, and if he was expecting an apology, he would have to wait until the day I died.
"Julie Sandy.", he tutted.
"Yes sir?", I asked, taking a seat.
"What was that out there? I thought better of you.", he told me.
"You need to understand that we do not tolerate this behaviour at my school, and if I have to expell you I will, but I won't do this for now.", he spoke angrily.
I sighed, and he pointed at the door as the sign to leave.
When I left, I burst out laughing and switched on my phone.
I rested my back on the wall, of outside the office. I stared at the pictures, before I couldnt laugh anymore. Instead of laughter, it was tears. Tears were streaming down my face, and I slipped down the wall. I hid my face behind my hands and sat there, sobbing. At the other end of the hallway, I could hear Daniel talking to someone.
"There she is.", he said and ran to me.
"Bestie?", Felicity hugged me.
I let them take my hands off me and they could see my tears.
Daniel held my hands and Felicity let me go.
"I'll leave you two alone. I know what happened, Julie.", she whispered. "Love you.", she kissed my cheek and ran off to class.
Daniel stayed on his knees, holding my hands. The warmth made me feel slightly better.

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