Party at midnight

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At lunch, I sat down in my usual seat with Felicity, chatting away about all the latest gossip. At the end of each conversation I would spare a glance at the popular kids table and on it I saw the four boys that had been bothering me the day I moved here.
It was fine though, because I liked the drama and the...oh and not forgetting Daryl, who had touched me so sexually the other day. At that moment it was as if I was back in the room, feeling his cold hands on my waist, my jump, his luscious deep blue eyes. I didn't want that to happen again, I knew he was doing it for the jokes. I found that out after he and Daniel had shared embarrassing photos of the schools nerd, Andrew Smiths room.
I had felt bad for him that day, because everywhere he went, there were people making fun of him, snickering like devil's. I hated everyone in this school. Everyone felt entitled, like they owned it, but they didnt go as far as those four did. Nobody dared to challenge them, to do more than what they do. Because if they did, they feared people would hate them for copying the popular kids.
What bullshit, I told myself as I finished my food. I got up to put my tray and when I came back, I realised that Felicity was talking to another girl. I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me, I didn't like to admit it to myself but I was quite possessive and seeing someone else around my best friend made me become pissed, and I wanted this stranger to leave, now.
"Hey new girl.", she waved, a small smirk on her face.
"I'm not new, I've been going to this shithole for almost two weeks now, thanks.", I told her, not making eye contact and instead sitting back at my table.
"I think it's a little too early to call this school a shithole, isn't it?", she asked, attitude and sarcasm thick in her voice.
"Ermm... this is Julie and this is Patricia. Patricia- Julie. Julie- Patricia.", she said, trying to make us greet each other. We didn't say anything. We hel our gazes, tight. I wasn't ready to give up but she was because she broke eye contact with me and told Felicity to tell me what she had told her.
"...if she's brave enough.", she said before she left.
I rolled my eyes, extremely pissed off at her. Who did she thinks she was? Talking to me like that?
Felicity grabbed her lunch tray and when she came back she explained what had happened.
"Patricia told me that there's a party tonight. At the beach. You're welcome to come if you want.", she said.
"I'm not so sure. I've only been here for a few days, I don't think it would be a good idea to go."
"Come on!", she groaned, slapping my shoulder. "You've just explained my point."
"What point?"
"You've never been out since you moved here. I think its time. I mean it would be a good way to get to know everybody better.", she pleaded.
"I don't know. I'll think about it.", I lied. I didn't want to go at all. So I made sure to seem like I would think about it.

After lunch, I made my way to class. Felicity wasn't in my science classes but I didn't mind being alone once in a while. Well, I wouldn't say alone because Daryl and Daniel were in my class, always acting up and causing trouble. It seemed amusing to everyone when they did this but I just thought that they were stupid, dumb and didnt care at all. They were disrupting my classes and I didn't want that at all. Not one bit, but yet here they were causing trouble once again, but this time the class hadn't started.
I was sitting inside the classroom by myself, I hid behind my bag on my phone. I didn't hear them before but the pair of them came in.
"Ooooh! Hey bad girl.", he teased, taking a peak at what I was looking at.
"What do you want?", I closed my phone and looked up at them. Daryl was handsome as ever and so was Daniel. I hadn't noticed it but Daniel had the same eyes as me, but more darker. They were just like Daryls, not in the sense of colour but the easy way you can get lost inside of them. His were a chocolatey heaven and Daryls were a diamond heaven, both hypnotic.
"You.", I could sense something different in the way he said it. It didn't sound like he was joking but instead being...real with me? No, I must be day dreaming or something.
"You just try, but you'll only end up failing in the end.", I laughed bitterly.
"There's a party tonight, at the beach, are you down to come?", I realised that it hadn't come from Daryls stupid mouth but instead it came from Daniels, I was shocked and replied with a genuine smile.
"Maybe.", I said, my smile fading away.
Daryl turned to Daniel and they shared a small moment of smiling. It was the first time I had seen him do that, Daniel , in everyone's mind, never smiled. He only did that when he was making fun of someone, but even then it seemed fake.
"Why do people say that you're never happy? You seem happy now.", I pointed out, as the two began texting.
"What?", Daniel asked. He stared at me, I could see his eyes darting around mine for an answer, he was trying to see through me. But I looked away, I wasn't going to let that happen, I didn't want to appear weak or easy to the popular boys. His face turned serious after I asked him that.
"None of your business.", he snapped at me.
I felt taken aback my his sudden outburst, why so rude?
"Sorry." , Daryl apologized. "Daniel doesn't like questions like that.", he pointed out to me. I looked at Daniel, he seemed upset, almost... like he was going to cry. He met eyes with me but I didn't see anything, nothing at all.
"Well, how was I supposed to know?", I said, defending myself.
He shrugged and the other student filed in. I was sitting in the back corner, where I liked to be alone but could answer questions other than talking aloud. Sadly, Daniel and Daryl decided that it was a good idea to sit in front of me. I didn't like that, I knew I wasn't going to be able to concentrate with them around but what could I do?

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