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I was sprawled on my bed, going through some videos when there was a knock on the door. I didn't bother to get up because I knew that they were here. My friends and the schools nerd. They were all eyeing him, making sure he didn't try to escape, as if he were a prisoner or something. I sat up on my bed and placed my phone beside me before I made a quick joke that sent them all into a laughing fit. Finally when they all calmed down, they took a seat on the floor. I didn't join them, I sat in the corner of my bed watching at what they were doing.
"Are you ready?", I asked, getting riled up for what was about to happen. They all nodded and Andrew was starting to get out the equipment.
It didn't take him long to get everything out and once he did, he connected the sound recorder to my phone so we could hear what she was saying.
Andrew was setting it up and once it was ready I could hear someone. I wasn't sure if it was hers at first but then I instantly recognised it. That was the sound of an angel. She was singing. In her room. Her angelic voice going through and into my phone. I gasped and I could hear Jake and Mike giggling but not really caring. I shifted uncomfortably, hoping none of them were going to notice but I was hella wrong.
"LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY'S HAVING A BONER!", Jake screamed. I slapped him on the shoulder, and told him to shut up. Suddenly the door unlocked and I knew I would be dead if my dad walked in but I was shocked to see Daniel standing there. He was smiling at what Jake had said and he strided in. He punched me on the arm softly and nodded outside the bedroom. I followed him out and he looked nervous. It didn't take me a lot to know that this was about Julie, and I hadn't noticed it before but he had a small scar on his face, probably when I dragged him. I put my hands in my pocket and listened to what he said.
"Do you even know what happened?", he asked, straight off.
"What do you mean?", I asked, confused as hell.
"Julie...she was in a car crash, that's why she has crutches and was in hospital for the past month!", he was shouting now. His face red like a tomato, he seemed really pissed off. I took out one of my hands and put them up,
"WHAT is this bullshit? Where did this even come from?", I asked, I was also pissed off. Two could play at this game!
"BULLSHIT? How is this bullshit? The girl that you have a fucking crush on was in hospital for a month, and you call that bullshit?", he asked, hands balling up into fists. I knew how angry he was when he did that, and I knew it was time to end this argument. I took a deep breath in and out and walked back into the room. Everyone was staring at me. I didn't care, and just ran my hand through my messy hair, making it more heavy and told everyone it was time to go. But I kep Andrew's kit and once I heard them all leave I threw myself on my bed and sighed.
Today had been a long day and I wished nothing more than for me to be by myself. Whilst I was laying down a thought crossed my mind. It was a thought that I didn't wish I thought of.
Why did Daniel kiss her like that?
I knew to be thinking about this a month later was stupid but something that in my mind wouldn't let it go. He knew I liked her so why was it so long, so deep, so meaningful. Well I didn't know if it was meaningful to Julie, and I sure hoped not but I couldn't get this out of my mind. It drived me crazy! Extremely crazy!
These were invasive thought but they disappeared from my mind when my phone started to make noises. It was that same angelic voice again. Fuck, she really knew how to sing. I got up and went to the window. My heart was beating crazily and I wanted to go down there and kiss her, kiss her like I had never had to anyone before. I sat there, her voice was like a message from god. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous but her voice was stunning.
Suddenly she stopped singing and she was talking to someone. The device managed to pick up someone else talking, and I recognised her mums voice.
"Baby?", she asked.
" They've changed the trial date.", her mum told her.
"What? When is it?", concern in her voice.
" Thursday."
"THURSDAY?!", she screamed.
There wasn't any response from her mum and suddenly someone's phone began to ring.
"Hello?", Julie picked it up.
".. yeah....okay.....yeah, she told me.....sure....okay.....thanks....yep...mhmm...okay...bye,bye,bye.", I couldn't hear what was coming from the other end of the phone but I assumed this was the judge dad. It was my dad, it had to be. I strained my ears harder and sure enough I could hear my dad saying bye through the phone. Julie ended the call and sighed.
"What did he say?", her mum asked.
"He told me that he proofread my statement and he wants me to come down to the station for a while.", she sounded stressed out. Why was she writing statements? What happened?
I continued to listen.
"Do you want me to take you there?"
"No, it's okay. I need to walk anyway. Stacey said.", this time I knew who Stacey was. She was her doctor who had been helping her walk again. I heard loud clack-ing of her crutches on the ground and instantly I realised that I should at least try to help her. She deserved it.
I unplugged the device and put my phone in my Jean pocket whilst I put my jacket on. I grabbed my car keys and rushed out the door. Quickly, I hopped in my car. I started driving when I saw Julie leaving the house. I decided to wait for a little bit before I began to move. I was driving fast before I slowed down to be beside her.
"Julie!", I smiled brightly.
"Hi.", she said, no emotion or anything in her voice.
"Where are you going?", I asked beginning to grow nervous.
"Going to the shops, she lied.
"Oh. I could take you there, I'm going to the station to see my dad.", I smiled, pretending to be oblivious to to fact that she was surprised. She stopped swinging around on her crutches and turned to stare at me. I decided to stop moving and smiled.
"Take me there, please. I'm tired.", she said, smiling shyly.
"To the shops?", I asked.
"To the station.", she said, when she got into the car. I nodded and thought nothing of her previous answer.
The whole journey was awkward, the air was heavy and needed to be filled, quickly.
"So...why you going to the station?", I asked, as we stopped at a red light.
"Oh! I'm...just...", she was trying to find a way to lie to me but I wasn't going to let that happen again.
"Please. Don't lie to me.", I whispered, and turned to stared into her eyes. I could see her eyes sinking deeper and deeper into mine. She looked down and her legs and looked back up at the road.
"I- I don't want to talk about it.", she said quietly. I nodded, respecting her answer. Instead, I decided to change the topic swiftly to something she seemed extremely eager to talk about. The drive to the station seemed to fly by and I enjoyed it. I got to know Julie better. Quickly, Julie and I walked inside the station and at the front desk Emily was sitting there. Emily smiled when she saw me and Julie. She let us go inside and my dad was inside his office, tapping away at the computer in front of him. He was serious, and I could tell.


My mind was racing, my hands were shaking and all I wanted to do was scream. Sweat, literal sweat was coming down on my head. How? How could I be sweating this much? I didn't know, all I could hear was my incredibly rapidly beating heart in my ears. It made me quite deaf, and I could barely hear what Officer Kyle was saying to me.
"Julie?", it sounded like he had been doing this for a while now, calling my name.
"Huh? Yes?", I asked, snapping back into reality. Daryl was sitting down next to me, giving me worried glances and Officer Kyle was smiling at me apologetically. I forced my mouth to form a small smile and once everything was done. I got up and left the room. Officer Kyle handed me a file, and went into another room before he said his goodbyes.
"Ready?", Daryl asked and I nodded. As I was walking to the door I realised I had forgotten my purse.
"One sec, I need to grab my bag.", I said, running back inside. It didn't take me long to find it and when I left the room, to my horror I saw my evil step dad. He looked tired, different. My step dad, no I didn't even want to call him that, Tommy looked disgusting. His hair was a mess, it had grown longer, his uniform that he had to wear for the time being was sweaty, and stained in almost every place for you to see. The officer behind him, went to the office were I was previously in. When Tommy realised who I was his face grew bitter. Anger began to boil up inside of him. His fists balled up, ready to punch anyone, and break the cuffs he was wearing in half. We stared at each other and one word was spoken before he came charging at me like a rhino.
"Bastard.", I whispered.
Tommy tried to grab my hair first but couldn't because of the cuffs. He was groaning loudly and somehow he managed to cut them in half. I gasped, screamed for help once again. This time the officer came to grab Tommy away from me whilst I was carried away but familiar cold hands.
"Julie? Jules?", he whispered in my ear. He pushed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, and I could feel his body heat on me. The warmth if his built body, the car and the scent of him all made me want to fall right asleep, and that's what I did.

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