A night of unfortunate events

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See what I did there? Who's watched it?
⚠TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Misuse of drugs, violence, threat, strong language and gore.

I checked the time on my phone, it was midnight, meaning my mum was already asleep now. Daryl and the others would be coming soon, right? I sat in the darkness of my room, with my phones bright light switched on, scrolling through Tiktok. As I finished watching a video I heard someone calling my name from outside. I peeked my head out and in thr garden, Daniel and Daryl were standing together, looking up at my window.
Daniel was wearing a Button up black shirt that wasn't done at the top four buttons and jeans with a chain around the pocket. And Daryl was wearing a Nike t-shirt with blue jeans. They both looked so cute, but I couldn't take my eyes off Daniel. I bit my lip and snuck out my window. Luckily, we had an extension that went out to our backgarden and my window was right ontop of it, so when I placed my feet down on the roof of it I felt safe. Daryl offered his hand to me and I shook my head. I didn't need his help. Instead I jumped from the roof and landed on my feet. I used my brain and didn't wear heels and wore trainers instead.
"Let's go.", Daryl whispered and jumped over my back fence.
I followed them, making sure not to make too much noise.
When we got over the fence, Jake, Mike and Felicity were all waiting for us. My best friend greeted me with a hug and we started on our journey.
It wasn't a long walk, but when we arrived my legs were already aching. Although, it may be for whatevers about to happen tonight. I can feel it in my bones, but it'll be something bad. Very bad.
We all sneaked behind, where the trash cans and possibly rats stayed. There was a brown, wooden door that looked really beaten up, but from what Daryl had told us, this was the way in.
So we all followed him, inside. As soon as I stepped in, the loud, obnoxious noise of music filled my ears, so it was the only thing I could really hear and people dressed half naked danced on the dance floor. On the other side, there were couches were a lot of people were making out intensely. I almost gagged at how bad people smelt when they walked by, it was like smelling a dead body. Everyone in here was drunk, there wasn't a single place where you looked and there were drunk people. In front of me, I watched Felicity drag her boyfriend to the drink stand where people were chanting, chug, like mad men. I scoffed and went to find a place to sit. I was alone, people giggling drunkly walking by me. Running my hand through my hair, I watched as Daryl came towards me with two drinks in his hands.
"Hey.", he smiled.
I shifted further from him, "Hi."
"You okay? Don't seem like you're enjoying it.", he said, taking a sip from his drink.
"I'd rather be here than at home. My mums killing me for what I did.", I lied.
To be honest it wasn't even Daryl I wanted to be with nor Daniel. It was me. I wanted to be alone, just like I had been when I moved in. As I thought about this, I drank the contents of my cup, "Imma go refill this. See you.", I said and got up, heading towards the drink stand. I fixed my crop top, over my breasts, feeling the eyes of perverted men watching me. I threw the plastic cup in the bin, and grabbed a whole bottle. Screw it, if I was here to have fun, then I was.
I popped it open, and drank it all, until it was empty. People started to gather around me, chanting chug at me multiple times. And I listened, I chugged and I chugged and I chugged. I chugged three whole bottles before I needed to relax. Everyone in the crowd, congratulated me, and it was then when I felt a hand grab my arm.
I couldn't tell who it was at first but then, as my eyes fixed on him, it was Daniel. He was really concerned but I didn't care.
I giggled carelessly, "Hey, Danny boy!", I jumped up and down.
"Shit, Julie. What've you done now?", he whispered into my ear.
"What do you mean?" I pouted.
Daniel sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Come on! The night is still young, and I think there's a free room somewhere here!", I screamed.
"Okay, you need to shut up and listen. Stop drinking this shit.", Daniel ordered me, as he grabbed the newly opened bottle of vodka from my hand.
"Oh.", I pouted sadly. I tried to grab the drink from him but I wasn't too fast. Daniel dragged me around, like his little toy puppet before we stumbled upon him and Patricia talking away. She was seducing him, playing her fingers along his build. I wanted to run up to her and scream at her, but Daniel stopped me. For some reason, I was slightly back to my normal state after I saw this. In the corner of my eye, I could see an evil grin forming on Daniels face, and to be quite honest with you all, it scared me.

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