Statments & Questions

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The pen froze in my hand, I didn't think that i would be able to write this much considering what I had been feeling like. I re-read the paper hoping this was enough to take my step dad to court. I walked to the desk where the computer was and switched it on. I didn't know the log in but Officer Kyle had conveniently on a piece of post it notes. I smiled, writing it in one by one.
The most nerve-wracking thing about this was the fact that my mum didn't even know plus we had just moved in and we were already about to put my step dad in prison, again. Yes, again.
It was in our old house, and my mum had came back late, it was around midnight, my step dad was talking to another woman, seductively and when he heard her come in he was mad. I was inside the sitting room, just watching TV, and I heard my mum come inside the sitting room with me. Coming from the kitchen, we could hear his footsteps bang as he marched into where we were sitting. It wasn't the first time I had seen him like that, but that occasion, it was different. His eyes were filled with fury, and his lips curled back. He was red, tomato red and his hands were balled up into fists. The first thing he did was grab my hair and threw me of the couch. I screamed, flying into the glass coffee table in front of me. It had stopped my step dad's impact on my mum but that didn't stop him from almost killing me. He ran towards me and smashed my face against the glass. I was already bleeding everywhere, the pain was unbearable and everything inside me ached. Ached for someone to help me, ached for my biological father to come back, ached for someone to love me as much as he did. The table was smashed into a million pieces, most of them stained a dark red by now. I could hear my mum on the phone with the police. When he heard it too, he stopped beating me up and went straight to my mum. The phone was left hanging, the dispatcher still asking if she was there. I became unconscious after that, the hanging phone was the last thing that I saw. The ringing in my ears was deafening and I closed my eyes only to be awoken once again in the hospital.
I rubbed where the scar was, he had sliced across my cheek, from my mouth to the corner of my eye, I was fortunate enough for people not to point it out since it isn't their business to know. I had stumbled upon other nosy people asking me but all I told them was that one day I fell down on my bike, scraping my cheek, I hadn't told anyone about my situation and I planned on that.
Remembering the old, horrible memories a tear ran down my scarred cheek. I wiped it off and continued writing, it made me determined to put him in prison, and because of his last convictions he was definitely to go to prison forever. I wrote incredibly fast, making sure to correct my mistakes, check it's formality and write excatly what I remembered and copy my draft copy. When I was done, I realised I realised I had written three pages! I nodded and got up, if this wasn't enough then I don't know what is. Stepping outside the room that i hadn't left for the past two hours, I walked into the reception at the front of the office. I was met with a young woman, most likely in her mid-twenties. Her hair was strawberry blonde, with brown highlights and it reached up to her shoulders, she wore round glasses and had the most genuine, nicest smile I'd ever seen.
"Hello, what can I help you with?", she asked, as the phone next to her began to ring. She turned to the phone and held up her index finger indicating to wait a second. I watched as she pressed some buttons and the ringing was sent somewhere else in the building. She looked back up at me and gave me a 'sorry' smile and I smiled back.
"Sorry, what did you need?", she asked again, politely.
"Do you know where Officer Kyle is?"
The lady looked down at her computer, and on her badge, I read that her name was Emily. She looked up at me and explained that he had been called for back up, after a police chase.
"Is your name Julie Sandy?", she asked, fixing her glasses in place.
"He told me to leave you this note.", she said as she handed it to me. On it was his number, and he told me to send it to him. If I wanted to I was allowed to wait for him at the station instead. I j closed the note and stuffed it into my pocket, I decided that I was going to go get myself a well needed drink and come back. I asked Emily for a price of paper and she passed it to me. I wrote on it, 'I'm going out for a drink, if you're back before I am, please call me', and gave him my number.
"Could you please give this to Officer Kyle when he comes back. I'm heading out.", Emily nodded and placed it next to her keyboard. I waved goodbye to her and she smiled.


School had never been so fun. I sat down with Felicity as soon as my second period was done. Felicity gasped, smiling at me.
"Heyyyy!", she said, into me as I hugged her tightly.
"What happened on Saturday? You said you'd explain.", she reminded me.
I nodded and explain to her everything. We went to a private location in the school, where, thank god, no-one was sucking face.
As I finished up, a group of four boys walked up to us. One of them wore a hoodie, I guessed that was Daniel and the one on the middle was Darly, and he wore a white shirt and jeans and the twins at the back, Jake wore a t-shirt and jeans and Mike had a tight shirt and shorts. They all looked so hot in their clothes. Me and Felicity elbowed each other jokingly.
"Hey.", Daryl said, staring at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
"Hey.", I replied, my heart beating faster.
"We're heading to class, wanna come?", Daryl asked.
"Wooowww! The popular boys are asking me to go to class with them?", I replied, sarcastically happy.
Daryl rolled his eyes in annoyance. I watched him press his tounge against my cheek and then lick his lips quickly. His blue eyes weren't looking at me when he did it but instead looking out.
"Don't mess with me, do you wanna come or not?",he asked, pissed off.
"I'm so scared...", I put my hands to my chest sarcastically.
Daryl turned to his friends and nodded at them, they all looked at me and walked away. He followed behind them, not even saying goodbye.
"Why'd you do that?! Shit Julie!", she screamed at me. I rolled my eyes at her, she really seemed mad at me.
"What?!", I laughed, trying to take the anger away from her.
"Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has ever rejected the boys, in any proposal." ,she told me.
"Well then, their gonna have to get used to it.", I smiled, flipping my hair as I got up. When Felicity didn't, I groaned and grabbed her arms, pulling her up from the bench and dragged her to class.

Me and Felicity took our seats at the back corner of the classroom. I fixed my hair up into my bun, fixed my white- off shoulder crop top, that did show a little bit of cleavage, and jeans. I sneaked out my phone to check what I looked like and smiled at what I saw. Felicity went out of the class to go to the toilet, so I was alone in the class. Behind me I heard multiple footsteps and I didn't bother to turn around, thinking that it was either my teacher, Felicity or the rest of the class despite it being a little early for that last one. But I was shocked.
I gasped, jumping slightly as two cold handsas they placed themselves on my waist. I bent my head to the right and was surprised to see the familiar diamond eyes Daryl had. I pulled his hands off of my waist, and turned around to stare at him.
"What do you think you're doing, Daryl?", I asked.
"She knows my name.", he turned and laughed.
I raised my eyebrow, and stared at him until he turned around.
"What's yours?", he asked, not laughing or smiling but instead a straight face.
"Julie.", I whispered, accidentally getting lost in his heaven like eyes.
He smirked and turned around, joining his friends outside the door. Daniel still stood there, staring at me with an emotionless face. They walked away and as they did, I quickly checked my timetable. They were in the same class as me, why didn't they stay? Probably out doing bad boy things, I thought. Then another thought entered my mind, why does Daniel never have any emotions?
And this was a question I was determined to find out.

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