The Wormhole Pt. 2 (7)

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t's the riptide, the grain of a strong gale
One ridge of a rugged universe
Feet leave no prints
And vision is without sight
And yet when most I wink

Then do mine eyes best see the unknown
As we commit our bodies
We become absorbed

Multiple dimensions wait for us
There might be a world
Where day and night coexist
Beside an ornamental flower

A tree stretches out its hideous branch
The perfectly square mirror reveals a twisted scene

In that dream, I face a completely different me

Thy fair imperfect shade
Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay

And when we wake at this tunnel's end
What vision awaits?

The seven of them were directed over to a resting space. It was full of fluffy cushions & comfy beanbags. The waiting office had no real direction or someone to help direct them around.

 A mirror on the wall was their only link to any direction. "Who should ask the mystical mirror where we should go ?", Heeseung asked. It was clear no one wanted Sunghoon to ask given he was a bit unhinged. Sunoo volunteered, "I'll do it. It can't be that bad, right ?"

Sunoo approached the mirror. "Which way should my friends & I go ?" The mirror reflected a version of Sunoo he wasn't familiar with at all. This Sunoo was darker & had given off a deadly aura, "오른쪽 문으로 들어가세요. 그것이 당신의 최선의 선택입니다." (Go through the door on your right. That is your best shot.)

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