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I was on my usual walk around this time midday. This walk wasn't long. Growing up I was always the odd kid because of my family' beliefs. It was practically forbidden for me to be out on Halloween. I stopped outside the Lee estate. The house was cryptic & always seemed to have bats in its vicinity. Who lived there ?

The Lee'. It was a group of brothers. Seven of them, to be exact. I didn't know much about them. Yet again, they weren't open to people outside of each other. The main fact I knew was that they were brothers. Lee Heeseung was the oldest & Niki was the youngest. They never traveled alone & were very much into the dark aesthetic. I think I had seen Jungwon & Sunghoon raising some bats as pets at some point.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Engene Choi. I was always fascinated by dark aesthetics & movies. However, my family shielded me from things like that. I stared at their house for a good minute. What were they hiding ? Why was I told to stay away from them ? 

It honestly gave me goosebumps. I stopped staring when I felt an unnatural chill. I rushed home. "What's the rush, Engene ?" My mother was always checking up on me. Especially since The Lee estate was a few streets away from us, but was on my commute home. I gave a odd smile, "Uh..." It didn't help anything. I was terrible at lying. My father touched my arm. "You're freezing. Haven't we told you to stay away from that house ?"

They had told me to stay away multiple times. That went for pretty much anything. I can't wear black, can't stay out late on Halloween, & avoid shows as well movies about supernatural creatures. "What is so bad about that house anyway ? Is there something I don't know ?" My grandfather stepped in. My family seemed frustrated that I couldn't seem to listen to their warnings. I was sent to my room. 

There was only one family member I could talk to when everyone got like this. I knocked on my aunt' door. "Come in, Engene." I sat on her bed. She seemed to be the only person who understood me within our family. "They warned me again..." I always felt so pitiful coming to my aunt. She always was the one to hear me complain. She grinned, "You were  by the Lee estate again ?" Was I that obvious ? Have I not been careful ?

"I just don't understand why I have to live this. Why do think the Lee estate is dangerous ?" My aunt sighed taking a seat next to me. She seemed to want to tell me something, but didn't end up saying what she desperately wanted. "Just stay away from it, Engene. They'll ease up on you soon." What was she still not telling me ? It was frustrating. Living like this, was absolutely draining. I said nothing as I rushed back to my room, locking my door behind myself. 

I was going to leave tonight...

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