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"Hyung, what have you done ?", Jungwon rushed to check Engene' pulse. There was no telling if something else was affecting her. Sunghoon hissed, "재웠어요. 나는 그녀가 문 주위를 살금살금 기어다니는 것을 보았습니다." (I put her to sleep. I had seen her creeping around the gate.) Jungwon rested a bit knowing the girl in their hallway was only asleep. With all the commotion, the others made their way to the North Wing. 

Heeseung was first to see what Sunghoon had done. Jay talked with his voice filled with disgust. "I told you he was an issue, Heeseung hyung..." They all looked at Sunghoon in a mix of horror & confusion. Heeseung didn't say much. Jake put Engene in a room while she rested. Arguably Heeseung & Sunghoon were the strongest among them. 

Most lore in this world was proven useless against the young vampires. They don't burn in the sun nor do they sparkle. Garlic wasn't an issue for them either. There was a handful of things that were proven true. Vampires need to sleep in coffins, no debate. How do you kill a vampire ? A singular wooden bullet or stake through the heart. All vampires could use compulsion. Other powers were harder & developed rarely.

Heeseung held Sunghoon by the back of the neck, red eyes pouring into his. Sunghoon being just as strong, pulled away as much as he could. It was no use though. Heeseung never really showed his power, but it could render other vampires weak. It was terrifying to see. "지하감옥에서 일주일을 보냈죠 음식 없이요." (One week in the dungeon. Without food.) Niki gasped slightly as Sunghoon was brought to his knees under Heeseung' unmatched power.

Jay & Sunoo bound Sunghoon' hands with handcuffs before taking him off to the South Wing of the house. Sunghoon was practically unresponsive in his current state. It would be the calmest he'd ever be. "What do we about the girl ?", Jake asked staring at the floor where Sunghoon had previously been brought his knees. 

Sunoo took Jungwon & Niki to sit in the living room. Heeseung sighed, "I'll handle that. You and Jay should calm the others."

Undead Legends | ENHYPEN FF ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang