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"무슨 제안이요?" (What proposition ?) I asked growing intrigued. Myungjin pointed at himself. "Promise me you'll leave the family. That you'll look out for those new friends of yours, as well as yourself ?" I was confused. Why was he sounding like he was asking me to essentially go to war with my family ? Our family...

"Is there something you want me to do once I am awake in the mortal world ?" Myungjin' eyes were misty as they welled up with tears. "그 시계 시계를 가지고 가세요. 지금부터 당신이 처리해 주세요." (The clock. Take the clock with you. I want it in your care from now on.) I could tell he meant every word. The clock was now mine to protect. 

I slumped on the couch in pain. I am sure that I will be waking up soon. "I am sorry. Your father shouldn't have killed you in the manner he had." Myungjin had a scar of where he was brutally staked through the chest. He gave me a pained smile, "You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I am sorry you've had to feel the burden I once had." There was no doubt he was referring to my father trying to kill me. 

I sighed. What else was there to be said ? I told him everything. From my extremely sheltered home life to accidentally meeting the boys when I sort of broke into the Lee estate. "제가 자초한 건가요? 제가 이기적인가요, 명진 오빠?" (Had I brought this on myself ? Was it selfish of me, Myungjin Oppa ?) I call him oppa since technically he died young, & can't age. I won't be eighteen for a few months. As expected Myungjin rolled his eyes sadly.

"You didn't deserve to have your own father try to kill you, Engene. Especially not for believing vampires have some humanity left in them." The pain was getting stronger.  I suddenly felt really weak. Myungjin laid me down. His skin was ice cold, "You better not break your promise. I'd hate to see you again so soon..." I let a few tears fall as I began to close my eyes.

Then there was nothing...

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