12 Hours Before

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12 Hours Before

"Are you sure you want to go out tonight? I know you're still recovering from your breakup." Lesly says.

"What breakup? I told you, Bernida and I weren't even together like that. We were just fooling around. Besides she's moved on, I should too."

"It wouldn't matter if she was just a fling," Lesly points out.

"Can you just stop bringing it up?" I pour orange juice into my glass.

"It's okay to be gay Melony, I won't shun you. You pay rent just the same as me." she sits next to me and grabs my orange juice.

I glare at her and get up to get a new glass.

"You're a shitty roommate you know that?" I grumble as I pour the last of the juice.

"Takes one to know one." She smirks.

"Whatever, look we are going out tonight. I promised this guy I would meet him."

"Throwing yourself at a guy won't make you any less sexually confused."

"Stay out of my business Lesly," I flick her in the forehead.

She sighs.

"Make breakfast already," I pout.

"I thought you were making breakfast." She looks at me.

"No way, it's your turn."

"I worked 12 hours yesterday, I ain't making shit."

We both sigh.

"Door Dash?" I offer.

"I'll go half."

I pull out my phone to order.

An order of pancakes later, I go to my room to plan out what I'll wear. I sigh when I see one of Bernida's shirts. I grab it off the hanger and smell it, it still smells like her.

"Right... just a fling," Lesly says from the door.

I flinch and throw the shirt down, my face turns red.

"What do you want!?" I move to shut the door.

"What are you wearing tonight?" she asks.

I sigh and look back at my closet.

She follows me into my room.

"You should just tell her you actually love her and were just a stupid idiot."

I frown at a black cocktail dress I bought to wear to BB's birthday party, which I missed because she forbid me from showing up.

"She's moved on already," I run my fingers down the fabric.

"So. Maybe if you tell her the truth she'll take you back. I bet she and that other girl aren't even serious."

I pull the dress out.

"What happened between you guys anyway?"

"Why are you so nosey?" I turn to her.

"You two made a cute couple, besides I liked having the apartment all to myself. You were always gone with her and I could walk around naked and watch Netflix in the tub and eat grapes. It was bliss." She batts her lashes.

"Shut up," I throw a scarf at her.

She laughs.

"I don't know," I sit next to her. "She wanted to get serious. Tried to give me a promise ring and I freaked out. I told her that this was just a phase to me, that I was still trying to figure myself out. She got pissed."

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