The Night I was Supposed to Die

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Looking back on it, I think that's when I really started to lose my mind. That's when the reality of it all set in. Some part of me finally accepted that I was going to die soon, the other part of me held firm in my denial. It tried to reason with itself. Dakota is a good person, she'd never do that to me. She only did what she had to. Maybe if I can convince her she'll understand. I made up all these excuses in my head on why she'd never hurt me, and what if... what if I was right?

The Night I was Supposed to Die

She hasn't come to check on me since I begged her to spare me. Either she's scared to face me, or my time has come. I've officially worn every outfit she's bought me. Ten whole days, 14 days since I went missing. I have officially been missing for two weeks.

I've run out of microwavable meals and apples. The tv is on, but I'm not watching it, I just watch the door. Waiting for her to return.

She doesn't.

So I curl up against the wall and fall asleep.

I wake up when I feel the bed dip. When I open my eyes she's there. I know it then, what's about to happen. My heart rate increases and I stare at her, a deer caught in the headlights. She gets on top of me, straddling me. Then she grabs a pillow.

"Don't fight it." She says.

"Okay," I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

To my surprise she has tears streaming down her face too, I am only able to tell because the battery candles light up the room a dim orange hue.

She's breathing heavy, and her hands tremble as she moves the pillow over my face. She's nothing like the cold-blooded killer I first met.

My vision gets blocked out from the pillow and I draw one last good breath before I grab one of her hands to let her know I'm ready.

She pushes the pillow down.

I don't think I knew the definition of what it feels like to have fear coursing through your veins until then. Every single fiber of my body was afraid. I couldn't breathe and it hurt. I cried into the pillow but with each cry, it became harder and harder to breathe.

I knew my time was up.

I wrote a note for her to find after I die.

It says,

Dear Dakota.

I'm sorry things had to be this way. I hope you find peace and live the life you always wanted. I don't hate you for doing this. Your story about Carolina touched me deeply because when I was younger, I too was bullied. So much so that I had to move away from that town. People can be cruel heartless monsters, but I don't think you are one of them. Other than when we first met, you have only ever been kind and caring to me. I know now that you did what you had to do. I'm sad we couldn't have met under different circumstances; I feel like we could have been great friends. I never did get to try those lime chips but do me a favor and try cheese its with chamoy for me. Let me how you like it. As my last request to you, I ask you to put my body where my family can find it. Maybe we weren't close but I did have friends I'd die for, people who would want to see me one last time. Please, for them, make sure I'm recognizable. Thank you for making my last days not awful, may life treat you kindly from now on.

Love, Melony Black.

I could feel my life fading, unable to catch my breath. As my vision faded away, I let go of her hand and accepted fate. My ears rang and rang, and I lost consciousness.

I thought for sure that was it for me.

I died.

At least I'm 90% sure I did.

I woke up with a sharp gasp with Dakota on top of me doing chest compressions. She was a crying mess. Her blue eyes sparkled with tears. The warm droplets sprinkled down onto my face, waking me up.

I blinked up at her in surprise and she just engulfed me in a hug, sobbing into me.

I just laid there, catching my breath, staring at the ceiling in awe.

I'm alive.

I am freaking alive.

"I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster," she kept saying over and over.

I just closed my eyes and thanked my lucky stars that somewhere inside of her, Dakota is a decent human being. 

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