The Charges

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For a moment I thought it was all a dream. That I would wake up in Dakota's arms and she'd ask me what I wanted for breakfast before kissing me on the forehead. I sat up in my own room, in my own apartment. The sun was shining through the curtains.

Cali meowed at me, she's hungry.

I rubbed my eyes in confusion and looked around. I saw a litter box set up and cat stuff. I got up and put Cali on the floor, leading her to her new food bowl. My room is a disaster, just the way I left it.

Dakota wouldn't like that.

With a heavy sigh, I brush my hair out of my face before getting to cleaning. This is going to take me all day. This place is such a mess. I turn on the news and put it on low, in case there is news about Dakota.

There is a knock at the door before Lesly opens it,


"No! Cali! Come back!" I shout as the kitten runs out of the room.

Lesly giggles.


"It's okay, she can run around."

I sigh and get back to cleaning.

"So, what are you doing?" Lesly asks.


"Do you want breakfast? It's my turn after all." She says.

"Sure," I shrug.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Ooh! Can you make an omelet with bell peppers?"

"Uh... might be out of my skill level but I'll try."

"Dakota always makes it for me," I mumble.

"Don't even worry about it, one omelet coming up." She quickly leaves.

I walk after her and see BB sleeping on the couch. I walk past her, step over Cali and go to the supply closet to grab all the cleaning supplies I need. This whole apartment needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

I go back to my room and refold all my clothes properly before organizing everything and throwing away a lot of trash.

"Foods ready!" Lesly calls.

"Just a second!" I say as I turn on the vacuum.

After I vacuum, I put everything on hold to go eat.

I sit at the bar and eye my food. Looks good enough I guess.

"Hey," BB engulfs me from behind.

I shake out of her embrace before getting up to grab something to drink.

"How's the cleaning coming along? I almost didn't believe my eyes, you never clean up around here." Lesly says.

"This place is a disaster." I sit back down.

"It's not that bad, I mean might need to dust but, I've seen it worse." Lesly shrugs.

I shake my head before taking a bite.

Dakota would so not approve.

"Well, how'd I do?" Lesly asks.

"It's okay, not as good as when Dakota makes it." I shrug.

BB slams her fist down and I turn to look at her.

"Stop..." she says.

"BB, don't." Lesly places her hand on BB's shoulders.

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