The Diagnosis

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I couldn't stop it, once I got going the truth just came pouring out of me. And it wasn't even everything that happened. I didn't tell them about the fake gun, or the boy clothes, or the attempted pillow smothering. How I tried to run away. The more I said everything out loud, the crazier it all sounded.

The last thing I wanted was to get Dakota in trouble but I knew... I knew it was too late for that. She killed someone, and I saw it happen. I wish I didn't. I wish so badly I never saw that. But now that I have said it, it's like a weight is off of me. I feel light-headed, I can breathe easier. I did it. I said my truth.

I saw Dakota Foley murder Antonia Hernandez.

But does that make Dakota a bad or evil person?

I don't think it does.

People make mistakes. Hate can blind us and make us do really stupid things. Our emotions control us, even when we wish they wouldn't. Like me, I love Dakota, I wish I didn't. She's a killer, she kidnapped me, hating her would be so much easier, or better yet, not caring at all. But I do care, and I can't just drop her. And everyone will think I'm crazy to be in love with my kidnapper, but I don't care. It's how I feel.

I bury my head in my knees and wait and wait and wait. When my family shows up Doctor Yin pulls them and the two officers to the side. I can see the doctor explaining everything to them, it's hard to hear what is going on over the ringing in my ears but I do hear the words,

Stockholm syndrome.

I see my mom cover her mouth and sob in my father. He holds her. My brother shakes his head and his wife rubs his shoulder and looks over to me. The two officers write something down, and while the male officer radios for something, the female officer comes back in, alone.

She rubs my shoulder and takes away my handcuffs.

"It's going to be okay Melony, it's over now." She says.

"No... I want to see Dakota," I say.

She sighs and sits on the end of my cot.

I look up at her.

"One day, you'll be thankful that all this happened. I know you can't see that right now, but one day you will. It will just take some time."

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying, that you are not mentally well right now and that's okay. What you've been through was traumatic. It's going to take time to heal. We want you to know you can reach out to us at any time. We are going to have to bring you in for questioning involving the murder of Antonia Hernandez, but we want you to rest for now. Take it all in. When you are ready, we want you to talk to us."

"I want my cat."

"I'll see what I can do." She rubs my arm.

"I'm not crazy, at least I don't feel crazy..." I say.

"No one is saying you're crazy. You just need to rest and adapt to this change."

"I want to see Dakota."

She sighs and pats my arm before signaling my family to come in.

Mom runs to, so fast her wig nearly falls off. I am winded by her embrace.

"Oh my baby, my sweet baby." She sobs into me.

I break down all over again.

My parents may not get the whole being gay thing, but I love my mom. She's practically my best friend. We've always been close. My brother hugs me next, tight, strong like he never wants to let go. Then, my dad, kisses my head a thousand times, crying into me. Then my sister in law, the hug is soft and comforting.

After running a few more tests my family is allowed to take me home. All charges against me are dropped. Lesly and BB say they will meet us there, and I don't know what they mean until we walk out the front of the hospital and I am bombarded with media. All of them have masks on.

"Melony, how does it feel to be back with your family?" one reporter asks.

I duck my head and keep walking.

"Were you being tortured while you were being held captive?"

"Is your captor Antonia Hernandez's killer?"

"Did she ever try and kill you too?"

I snap.

"You don't know nothing about anything!" I shout. "Dakota Foley is a good person, and Antonia got what she deserved."

Everyone is stunned into silence.

Mom quickly pushes me away from the media as they snap my picture a thousand times.

I am driven to my old apartment where BB and Lesly wait for us.

BB hugs me again, I pull free and run to my room, slamming the door shut.

I turn the tv on in my room and there it is, all over every new station.

Me shouting Antonia got what she deserved.

Stockholm syndrome coming out of every reporter's mouth.

"While we won't comment on the ongoing investigation it does appear that Melony Black has suffered some severe psychological trauma and is refusing to co-operate with our investigation." The male officer from before says to the media.

A knock at the door draws my attention.

"Go away," I shout.

"Mel, we just want to talk. Are you hungry?" Lesly asks.

"I ate at Dakota's I'm fine."

"Okay," she sounds disappointed.

I flip through all the channels, hoping for any update on Dakota. Later that night another knock on the door comes followed by a mew in protest. I spring out of bed and swing the door open.

It's the female officer from before, holding Cali.

"Oh my baby, come here." I grab her.

"Picked her up from the shelter for you."

"Thank you so much," I say.

"The house is a crime scene now, so you'll have to buy her a new food bowl and litter box."

"Okay," I say.

Cali burrows into my arm to hide, she's purring. She was scared, she missed me. I missed her too.

"Have a good night, here is my card for when you're ready to talk." She hands me her card.

I hesitantly take it.

With one last smile and nod, she leaves.

Everyone is still here, they all stare at me.

"Everyone, this is my cat, Cali. Cali, everyone." I say before shutting the door to my room.

I crawl onto my bed, moving to the corner before putting Cali down, she nuzzles into me, hiding under the covers.

A knock at the door forces me to mute the tv.

"What?" I shout.

My brother opens the door.

"Is there anything you need Mel?" he asks.

"Can you get Cali a litter box and some litter? And some food and some bowls? She likes the canned food, the one with the orange cat picture on it." I say.

"What about you?" he asks.

"I'm fine," I say.

He sighs, "Okay, I'll be back." He softly shuts the door.

"Don't worry Cali, Dakota will be out soon okay? Then we will go back home. This is just temporary," I pet her.

She purrs.

I curl up with her and close my eyes.

Before I know it, I'm asleep.  

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