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I didn't get to see Dakota again until the sentencing hearing. After Dakota was found guilty her lawyer put her in for a mental health evaluation, to try and get her a lighter sentence due to her history of mental illness. She had to go through lots of tests and sit in sessions with many psychiatrists, the whole nine yards.

After the trial, that's when the media started hounding me even more, wanting interviews with me and all that, to get my side of the story. Of course, I declined, I didn't want to talk to anyone until the whole thing was said and done.

When I walked into that courtroom to watch the sentencing hearing, the air was thick with tension. It wasn't as crowded as the trial. Only me, Dakota's parents, and Antonia's parents were allowed in. As well as Dakota's lawyer and the judge of course.

Dakota sat stoically in her chair, clad in a bright orange jumpsuit with cuffs on her hands. Despite her best efforts to hide her emotions, I could still tell she looked very tired. Very sad, but mostly very defeated. There was this emptiness in her eyes I had never seen before.

"Do you have anything to say to the people in this room before I proceed with the hearing?" The judge asked her.

She nodded.

"You may proceed."

She stood up and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry for what I have done to all the people in this room. I'm sorry I let my emotions get the best of me, I'm sorry I took Antonia's life. I've had some time alone to reflect on my actions and all the damage I have caused." She paused to take a shaky breath, tears streaming down her face.

"I know sorry will never bring your daughter back, nor am I asking for your forgiveness because I know I don't deserve it. The truth of the matter is this, the system failed me, and it failed my sister and I thought I was doing the right thing by taking matters into my own hands. But I know now, what I did wasn't the answer. It didn't bring me peace, and it ruined the rest of my life. So I am deeply sorry to the Hernandez family. I am also sorry to Melony Black."

I felt my heart stop as she turned to look at me.

"What I did to you will always be with you, for better or worse. What happened between us can never be taken back. What I did to you was wrong, and it came from a very desperate and dark place in my heart. You showed me a type of companionship I have never known. You have changed me, forever. I will never forget you. But I have thought long and hard about what I would say to you, how I would say it. And I have settled on this, Melony. I want you to move on. I want you to go out and experience the world like you want to. I want you to live your life, without me. I love you, and I always will. The bond we share is one I will never forget. But this chapter of your life is finally over. Don't let me hold you back and haunt you for the rest of your life. Be who you want to be. I will never forget the time we shared together. I love you." She finished.

I felt my own tears drip past my chin to the floor below.

"I love you too," I said.

She smiled through her tears and nodded before facing forward again.

"Okay, I am ready." She said.

The judge nodded.

"After reviewing everything and taking into account your mental illness. I have decided to sentence to 30 years in prison. You will be going to a special prison with people who can help cater to your needs. You will not be eligible for parole until you have served at least 15 years. Do you understand?"

She nods.

"I will now allow the Hernandez family to say a word or two if they want."

I watch Antonia's mom walk up and stand in front of Dakota.

They lock eyes.

"I hate you." She said. "I hate you with every fiber in my body. You took from me something that can never be replaced. 30 years will never be enough. That being said, I understand. I understand that you were failed, by your parents, by the system, and by my daughter. People failed you at every turn in your life and that is why we are here today. I failed you too. If I had been a better mother, more aware, more proactive in my daughter's life then maybe she'd be here today. I understand that. I do not forgive you, nor will I ever. But I understand you, and I hope that can be enough for you." She finishes.

Dakota nods and looks down, trying to hide her tears.

"Melony Black, you may now say something if you would like."

Dakota looks at me.

"I know you're not a monster Dakota. I know you sometimes make bad decisions and act out rashly but despite what everyone says, I will never see you as a monster. What you did was wrong, and I had to tell the truth. I hope you can forgive me one day. I will also never forget you or the time we have spent together. I love you, and I always will. Maybe that makes me a mental case, but I don't care. You showed me more love and compassion than anyone I've ever known. Don't ever forget that."

She sniffles and nods.

Then just like that, Dakota was taken away once more.

When I turned to leave Antonia was there, but she wasn't bloody and calling out for help anymore. She was the girl I've seen in the pictures on the news and all over social media. The girl she looked like before she was murdered.

She looked into my eyes and nodded before she turned and left too.

I watched her go.

Antonia's parents were the first to leave, right after their daughter. Dakota's parents snuck out the back. For a moment I was alone in the courtroom. I took a calming breath before walking out the front.

Reporters were talking to Antonia's family; they have started a foundation in Antonia's name. To help victims of bullying and harassment. They want to try and atone for the behavior and fallout of their daughter's actions.

I tried to leave out the side, but reporters spotted me and chased me down.

"Melony! How do you feel about today's sentencing?" they asked.

I sniffled and wiped my tears, looking into the cameras.

"I don't know how I feel. I can't really answer that right now. This whole case is more complicated than any of you will ever know. Dakota isn't a monster, and neither is Antonia. I think their lives just crashed together in the worst possible way. Sometimes I feel like if I would have met Dakota before this, maybe I could have prevented all this from happening. What Dakota did was bad, and I understand that. That doesn't mean I am ready to accept this reality. My heart is broken, and I'm still trying to figure out what just happened. How this past year of my life has changed me. When I am ready to tell my side of the story you'll know. But for now, I just need to heal from this and try to move on."

With that, I push past everyone and go to my car.

I still need to get the last of my stuff from Dakota's house.

I pull up to her house and her parents are there waiting for me. I grab the boxes and load them up in my car. They let me take anything I want. Apparently, they are just going to sell the house and be done with it.

I take all I can before I go back to my apartment where Lesly and BB help me unload all the stuff.

"How are you holding up?" Lesly asks.

I shake my head no and just go to my room and cruel up on my bed. Cali cuddles up next to me as I wrap myself in Dakota's favorite blanket.

BB comes into the room and sits next to me on the bed, running her hand through my hair to soothe me as I silently cry.

"When you want to talk, I'm here." She says.

"Hold me," I whimper.

She crawls into bed with me and wraps her arms around me. I turn in her arms and sob into her chest. 

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