Bail Posted

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Love makes us do strange things. I know I wasn't making sense, I know I was acting crazy, I know I should have at least tried to put the whole thing behind me, but I couldn't. I couldn't let her go. I couldn't get a hold of myself. It's like I was possessed, or enchanted, or bewitched. My soul did not belong to me, it belonged to her. And as long as she had it, I was her slave.

It was almost like I was watching myself from far away. Unable to actually live in the moment, so distant from any thoughts I should have been processing. Like my body and my mind were two different beings, operating of their own accord, unable to cooperate as one person.

All I could think about was Dakota. I just made everything worse. So much worse. But I couldn't help myself. Once again I was one of those girls, the girl that runs back to her abuser after promising she was done. The girls I made fun of and judged because of how dumb and stupid I thought they were for putting themselves back in that situation. Here I was, no better than that. Actually. I was worse.

Because my abuser actually killed someone.

And I saw it happen.

Bail Posted

It took a long time to get everything sorted out. I had to talk with Dakota's lawyers, and he had to talk to Dakota. Dakota had the money but she herself couldn't bond herself out. Plus the judge had to set her bond in the first place.

Bail was set and Dakota's lawyers paid it. Paperwork had to be filed and we had to figure out where Dakota could go since her house is still declared a crime scene and is being searched. I volunteered my place, and it was all set.

Dakota has to wear an ankle monitor, when her house is ready, we will go back there, but for now, my apartment will have to do.

I stayed there all day and night until they released her at two in the morning. The media was eating it all up, watching me go back to my captor and bail her out. When Dakota was let out, I ran into her arms and she hugged me tightly.

I whimpered and cried into her shoulder; she did the same to me. Then I took her home with me, the media snapping our picture a thousand and one times.

"Ta-da! I know it's not as cool as your house, but I did clean up, how did I do?" I say as I lead Dakota inside.

"It's perfect." She smiled.

"Oh. My. God." Lesly said as I brought Dakota inside.

"This is my roommate, you've met," I say.

"Hi," Dakota said sheepishly.

"No! Melony, please tell me you are not letting her stay here!" Lesly said.

"Ignore her, come on," I lead Dakota to my room.


"Guess who's back?" I open the door.

Cali meows aggressively before clawing her way up Dakota's leg to her arms.

"Ow! Hey! Okay, I missed you too." She picked up the kitten.

I giggle at how cute they are.

"This is my room," I say.

Dakota walks in and looks around.

"Hmm, this must be your favorite blanket," she grabs the blanket off my bed.

"Maybe," I say.

She wraps herself in it.

"Hey!" I try and take it from her, we wrestle around on the bed, Cali attacking us we roll around and laugh.

Somehow, I end up wrapped in the blanket with Dakota.

She looks me in the eyes, and I can't help but feel caught in her gaze, then she kisses me. I don't hesitate to kiss her back.

"I missed you," she whispers against my lips.

"I was going out of my mind without you." I say back.

She snuggles up to me and closes her eyes.

I rub her back.

She ends up falling asleep so I get up and take her shoes off and tuck her in. Cali runs out of the room so I go and get her.

"What are you doing?" Lesly ask me.


"Melony she can't stay here."

"She has nowhere else to go."

"She kidnapped you!" she whispers.

"I don't care! Leave us alone, we won't bother you. Soon she'll have her house back and we will go back over there. This is just temporary."

Lesly shakes her head, tears in her eyes before going to her room and slamming the door shut.

I turn all the lights off and go back to my room, shutting the door softly and crawling into bed with Dakota, Cali laying above us on the pillow. 

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