The Interview

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Doctor Yin: Melony, my name is Dr. Yin, I am a psychologist. I deal with a lot of people who have suffered some sort of psychological trauma. I've seen victims of domestic abuse, sex trafficking, and of course kidnappings. Such is your case. I want you to try and talk to me, you can say whatever you want. Whatever you feel like you need to say. Tell me your truth. Why don't we start with the elephant in the room? What happened to you?

Melony: I don't want to talk about that.

Doctor Yin: is there a specific reason for that?

Melony: I don't remember what happened.

Doctor Yin: Okay, well what can you tell me about where you've been this past year?

Melony: Dakota wasn't holding me captive.

Doctor Yin: Do you want to talk about Dakota?

(Melony shrugs.)

Doctor Yin: Can you tell me who Dakota is to you?

Melony: She's my girlfriend. We are together.

Doctor Yin: Do you have strong feelings of love and affection towards her?

Melony (rubbing her necklace with her free hand.): Yes.

Doctor Yin: When did these feelings start?

(Melony shrugs.)

Doctor Yin: How was your time with Dakota?

Melony: She was always nice to me. She's a good person.

Doctor Yin: Did she tell you she's a good person or did you come to that conclusion on your own?

Melony: she didn't tell me to say anything!

Doctor Yin: Okay, my apologies. Melony, you've been missing for over a year, did you ever miss your friends and family?

Melony(softly): Yes.

Doctor Yin: Did you ever think about contacting them to let them know you were okay?

Melony: Yes.

Doctor Yin: Was there something or someone that prevented you from doing that?

(Melony doesn't answer, she is looking away and being avoidant.)

Doctor Yin: How did seeing your friends after all this time make you feel?

(Melony shrugs.)

Doctor Yin: Aren't you happy to see them?

Melony: Yes.

Doctor Yin: Melony, you should know you can tell me anything. Everything is going to stay between us. I just want to know what you are feeling right now and what it is you've been through.

Melony: I feel scared.

Doctor Yin: How come?

Melony: I don't want Dakota to get in trouble... this is all my fault. (Melony holds in tears.)

Doctor Yin: Why would Dakota get into trouble? You said you stayed there willingly, is that not the whole truth?

(Melony uses her free hand to cover her face as she shakes her head.)

Doctor Yin: You can talk to me, Melony.

Melony: I just want to go home; I want my cat.

Doctor Yin: Your family is on their way; you will be able to go home soon.

Melony: Not that home, I want to go with Dakota. I want my cat.

Doctor Yin: Tell me about your cat.

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