The Escape Attempt

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Did I ever feel bad for turning away my friends? Of course, I felt bad, who wouldn't feel bad? That moment weighed very heavily on my mind for weeks. I don't think I was the same after that. The illusion had been shattered. The reality was starting to set in. But I was still in denial. I still wanted that happy ending with Dakota.

But it was that time of the year. Holidays were around the corner. The time you are supposed to be spending with friends and family. The homesickness was really gnawing at me. I think Dakota suspected it too. She had caught me a few times looking at my friend's and family's social media. I never messaged them, to let them know I was okay, too afraid they would track me down and find me. But I watched their lives, from far away on the other side of a screen.

It bothered me a bit, to know they were getting on without me. Still laughing and being happy even though I wasn't there. I think that would bother anyone. Dakota did what she could to keep me in good spirits but it lingered in the back of my mind. What if I had gone after them? What if they would have seen my face?

Dakota trusted me now. Fully, truly. Maybe a little too much, she had gotten comfortable with me. Letting me online, handing me her phone without asking questions. Never locking the doors anymore. I could go around the house freely, even when she was gone.

It was bubbling up inside of me, the what-ifs and how comes. The clock was ticking down to my breakdown. I was going stir crazy. Being in the house was no longer enough. I wanted out, I wanted to get on with my life. I had already missed so much school and lost my job and missed so many memorable events with my friends. People were living their lives, I wanted to live my life.

Did I ever think about taking advantage of Dakota's trust in me? All the time. Too often to count. But I only ever did it once. People keep asking me, did you ever try to escape on your own? No, not really. But there was time I made an attempt at it, but I don't think it can count.

The Escape Attempt

"Thanksgiving is coming up." Dakota points out.

"Emm," I snuggle closer to her.

"Want to do a little dinner just the two of us? We can make a small turkey and a pumpkin pie. Doesn't that sound fun, you and me cooking up a storm?"

"Yeah," I say softly.

"You okay?" she feels my forehead.

"Just tired."

"You feel warm."

"The only person that can get me sick is you." I point out.

"Do you feel sick?" she sits up.

I sit up too and shrug.

She feels my face again.

"You're warm. And your voice sounds scratchy."

"You worry too much."

"Maybe I should go to the store and get some medicine just in case." She says.

"Don't leave me," I grab her hand.

"I'll be fast, promise. I'll get all we need for thanksgiving too that way I won't have to make two trips. Okay?"

"No, stay," I whine.

"If you get sick I'll have to take care of you, I can't do that if I don't have medicine."

"Stop making sense." I pout.

She giggles and kisses me.

"Be fast, I get lonely without you," I say.

"I will, I'll even pick up something to eat on my way home."

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