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After the bomb, I dropped things went downhill pretty fast. Dakota's lawyer did his best to discredit me and point out how comfortable and happy I looked when I was with Dakota. And it was true, I was happy when I was with Dakota, but that doesn't change the fact that she kidnapped me and killed someone.

Dakota couldn't look at me for the rest of the trail, nor did she talk to me after that.

The jury left to deliberate, and I went to Dakota's house, alone.

Dakota has to stay in holding until the jury comes back with a verdict which could take anywhere between a few hours to a few days.

The house is clean and organized. Dakota was sure to clean it extra good before the trial. She said it was so it could be waiting for her when she got back, but I know deep down she's afraid she isn't coming back. She just wanted to leave it nice and clean before she left.

The house always feels ominous when it's just me.

But the strange thing is, now that I told the world the truth, I feel much better. I haven't seen Antonia once since the trial. It's like a giant weight is off my shoulders. Hopefully, she's gone for good.

I feed Cali and make myself something to eat before going to lay down. I feel exhausted and numb. I had only just closed my eyes before my phone rang. I quickly answered it, hoping it would be the lawyer telling me the Jury was done already.

But it wasn't the lawyer, it was BB.

"Hello?" she said.

I sighed.


"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just wanted to check on you. Lesly told me what happened. Sorry, I couldn't be at the trial, I had work."

I sigh.

"You okay?" she asks.

"I don't know," I say honestly.

"Want to talk about it?"

I stay silent for a moment, curled up in bed.


"Why are you calling me? Why do you still care about me? I broke your heart. I'm dating my kidnapper. I cut you off after the wiretap. Why do you still bother with me?" I ask.

She's silent for a moment.

I close my eyes and listen to her breathing.

"I still love you." She finally says.

I sigh again.

"I know you are going through a lot right now, but you can't just throw 3 years down the drain Melony. I won't let you. I care about you, a lot. When you were missing my life just fell apart. I was going out of my mind looking for you. Once you were gone, I knew it then. I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I just had so much left unsaid that I should have told you. So many regrets about how things ended between us. I felt so guilty and depressed that I might never see you again. I thought you were dead and that it was all my fault." She says.

"It wasn't your fault, I was the idiot that got kidnapped," I say.

"You're not an idiot Mel."

"I feel like one. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen in love with a murderer? What is wrong with me? Why do I still want to protect her, even now? I don't want her to go to jail, but I know what she did was bad. I feel so confused and all twisted up inside." I sob.

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