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"How do I look," I twirl around.

She laughs.

"Sexy right?"

"I don't know why you insist on doing this, Halloween has already been canceled."

"Uh, you can't cancel Halloween. Besides, how else will kids get their sexual enlightenment? True story, I first realized I was into girls when Mrs. Hilltop dressed like a sexy devil for Halloween as she handed out candy."

"Shut up!" she laughs.

"What!? It was, damn she had these huge ass tits. I couldn't stop staring."

"You're too much," she laughs.

I look in the mirror at my sexy doctor costume. She bought it for me at a local costume shop.

"Maybe I should give you, your vaccine." I grab the oversized plastic needle.

She walks over to me and pulls me closer to her by the hips.

"Doctor doctor, give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you." She sings.

I kiss her.

Then the doorbell rings.

"First one! Come on!" I drag her over to the door.

She laughs.

She's dressed up as my nurse. We put our masks on and open the door.

"Trick or treat!" three kids say.

"Awe, here you go." Dakota fills up their bags.

"Breaking quarantine, you know what that means." I show off my huge needle.

They all giggle and runoff.

Their mom smiles appreciatively at us.

"Yay! First ones, I feel accomplished." I giggle.

"You are enjoying this way too much," Dakota shuts the door.

"It's the first time I get to do something fun in while. Let me enjoy it." I put my coronavirus sticker on the needle.

The doorbell rings.

We had to put a huge sign out on the front lawn, that says candy this way if you dare. Because we know a lot of people aren't doing Halloween this year. Sad really, kids need their candy.

So using recycled Christmas lights we lit the way to the door.

"Trick or treat!"

"Here you go, be careful guys." Dakota loads them up.

"Yeah, or I'll get ya!" I pretend to attack with my needle.

They scream and runoff.

I laugh.

"You're scaring me." Dakota laughs.

"What? Too much?" I shut the door.

"A little, let the kids live a little."

"Fine," I sigh.

In the background, we have horror movies playing and we snack on popcorn while we wait for our next victims. It's a slow night.

I catch Dakota staring at me, when I turn to look at her she quickly looks away.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." She says.

"Are you having your sexual enlightenment?" I tease.

She laughs.

"What is it, tell me."

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