The Wiretap

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Despite all the drama that was going on behind closed doors, the public opinion on Dakota did start to change in her favor. With me still standing by her side despite being her kidnapping victim, people began to question just how bad she could be.

Not to mention the other bomb. Some of Antonia's victims of her bullying came forward and told their stories. They went on the news, talk shows, and the internet. Anywhere they could where people could and would listen to them.

To them, Dakota was a hero. They let everyone know it too. They praised Dakota for doing what needed to be done. They called Antonia's family and friends out for being complacent and blatantly lying to make Antonia sound like a saint. A poor helpless girl who never deserved such a horrific death.

Along with the ongoing pandemic in the news, the topic of bullying and the lowering number of school shootings and suicides made headlines in our town. People were connecting dots, maybe even dots that shouldn't be connected.

Dakota went from being a cold-blooded monster to a vigilante who took justice into her own hands. One even the greatest comic book heroes would be proud of. Things were looking really good for her, as her lawyer pointed out to us multiple times. He kept checking on us, to make sure I stayed by Dakota's side. The longer I was with her, the more people changed their minds about her.

With all this good publicity surrounding Dakota, the police got desperate. They'd call and message me daily trying to get me to change my mind and come in to implicate Dakota in Antonia's murder. Despite their big talk, they actually didn't have much on her. It was all circumstantial. Unless I came forward and said Dakota killed Antonia and kidnapped me, the chances of her getting off grew and grew with each passing day.

So they did something, something I never even thought of. Which hinds sight and all, I should have seen it coming a mile away. With the way, my friends were being towards me and considering every cop show ever. It was obvious what stunt they were going to pull.

I didn't know it at the time, but they were going to get my confession. With or without my consent.

And so they did.

The Wiretap

"I feel like you are dodging the question," I giggle as Dakota kisses her way up my neck.

"And I feel like we have other things that need our attention right now." She kissed me.

"Like what?" I smiled against her lips.

"Hmm, playing games with me won't make me go easy on you." She lifted my shirt over my head.

"Me, play games? Are you sure," I tease.

"Can we not talk about this when I am trying to have sex with you?" she pouts.

"But you promised," I whine.

She sighed and pulled back.

"Give them a chance," I push her down on the bed.

"Your friends hate me. Not to mention one of them is your ex." She stared up at me.

"They want to give you another chance. Please, they are trying." I run my hands up her stomach.

"They haven't talked to us in weeks, why now?" she challenged.

"Actually they've been trying to talk to me for a while now, but I've been ignoring them," I admit.

"Look, I'm sorry but no. I don't want to deal with them. I just want to relax here, with you." She caresses my face.

"Fine," I sigh.

"I'm sorry. But until this all blows over, I just want it to be us. I don't want people judging me and you and dissecting what we have. It's no one's business but ours. Okay?"

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