The Mistake

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I always knew what we had couldn't last forever. In the back of my mind, I knew things were going to come crashing down eventually. It was inevitable, no matter how hard we tried to be careful and precautious. We are only human, mistakes happen.

Even when you wish they hadn't, because one mistake can change your whole life in the blink of an eye.

The Mistake

"Emm, I have to log on to my class." She tried to pull away.

"No," I kissed her again.

"Mel..." she moaned.

"No," I whined and pinned her down to the bed.

"Mel, please, I have to."

I force my tongue into her mouth, grinding myself on her leg. She grabs me by the waist. She's into it, kissing me back hungrily, but when her phone dings, she pushes me off roughly.

"Hey!" I complain.

"Classes," she pecks me on the lips and scoots off the bed.

"I'll get you!" I say.

She giggles.

"Come on Cali, let's take our company elsewhere," I stick up my nose.

"You'll live!" Dakota calls after me as she boots up her computer.

I open the door and the playful kitten runs out.

I walk after her and softly shut the door behind me.

I flop on the couch and turn the tv on, I find a game show to watch and get up to grab a snack. Cali chases after me, I pour some food into her bowl and scratch her on the ear while she eats. She growls at me while she chews.

"Same girl, same," I move to grab the lime chips.

I grab a water bottle and the tv tray before walking back to the living room. Technically Dakota won't let me eat in the living room, but she can't stop me now, hehe. I'll clean up before she notices.

I set up the tray and get comfortable, grabbing the blanket I made Dakota and wrapping myself in it. The cat laser rolls off the couch. I pick it up and set it to the side. I'll wait until Cali is done eating to play with her.

I pop open the water bottle and take a big drink before setting it on the tv tray. I grab my phone and scroll through social media, Dakota let me make a fake profile. A picture of Cali is my profile pic.

Before I can even open the chips Cali jumps on the couch, bumping the tray and knocking over the water.

"Cali!" I gasp and quickly pick up the water. "Dakota is going to kill us!" I hiss.

The kitten licks her lips, wet cat food dangling off her chin.

"Ugh," I get up to clean the mess as the kitten cleans herself.

I take the chips back to the kitchen and grab the kitchen rag to go dry up the mess. I walk back to the couch and bend down to clean the mess, as I am wiping my hands back and forth Cali attacks me.


I shake my head and grab the cat laser.

"Go over there, go on," I shine the laser away.

She runs after it and slams into Dakota's door, barging into the room.

I cringe.


"Cali, Cali come back!" I whisper.

I sigh and get up to go get her. I peek my head into the room and find Cali climbing on the bed.

"no, bad cat," I whisper and grab her off the bed.

Dakota turns to look at me.

'Sorry,' I mouthed.

She shakes her head at me.

"Melony?" someone calls my name.

I look at Dakota's computer screen.

"Melony Black!?"

I feel my heart stop as I lock eyes with Lesly.

For a moment we all freeze, even the teacher stops talking. Dakota jumps up and unplugs her computer, shutting everything off.

She looks at me and I look at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't, I wasn't—"

"Shhh," she runs over to me, covering my mouth.

She removes her hand and we look at each other.

"We have to go." She says.


"Start packing, hurry." She moved to pull a bag out of her closet.

I lock Cali in the bathroom for now. She meows in protest.

"Where are we going to go?" I ask.

"I don't know," she opens her drawer.

"What should I bring?"

"I don't know."

"Should we pack food?"

"I don't know!"

I flinch at her tone.

"Damn it!" she swipes her hand across the desk, knocking everything off.

"Dakota it's okay," I try and comfort her.

She pulls on her hair.

"Dakota, focus, we have to hurry, okay?"

She whimpers.

"Hey, look at me. It's okay." I assure her.

She looks at me, tears filling her eyes as we can hear sirens approaching us.

"Come on, we have to go." I try and tug on her arm.

She sniffles and runs her hand through my hair before kissing me. I kiss her back.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

She sniffles.

"If we leave right now, don't pack anything we can still escape," I say.

"Okay." She nods.

"Come on!"

She grabs her keys, and I grab Cali.

We run to the kitchen where I quickly pack up water and Cali's food into a plastic bag. Then I shove my feet into shoes and run to the door just as lights flood the street. I pause and turn to run out the back, Dakota right behind me.

But we don't make it that far before the front door comes flying open. 

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