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Kongpob watched their new home, as their hundreds of cardboard boxes were getting carried inside. He smiled, staring at the white duplex house, with the first floor guarded by strong glass wall, facing the front yard. Making the living room and adjoined kitchen visible.

He turned his gaze around the huge lawn, accomodating driveway and... the high iron fencing that surrounded the whole property.

Kong smiled, shaking his head fondly. Someone can't help their paranoid self. He stared at the scorpion grass bushes that ran along the whole fencing. Making the heavy duty guard walls look pretty, with the blue tiny blooms.

Their house was located at the end of the street of this high end neighbourhood, with woods beyond it. And Shellac is famous for it's beautiful weather and wild animals. So Kongpob didn't mind the high guard walls.

He was a newly recruited Professor of Economics and working his brains out just few months back. And so was someone else, owning a cafe joint. Working hard from morning to night. Barely making time for each other, almost missing seeing each other on daily basis. To the point that Kong started falling in depression and his partner started downing himself in alcohol.

To the point that their friends started mentioning this to them. They were high school sweethearts and went through thousands of ups and downs altogether. Fighting for themselves. And they loved each other so much, that the distance was taking a toll on them.

But then a little miracle happened. A little spark of golden string that soon binded them together again.

Kongpob remembered, the day he walked into Arthit's office and placed the medical report on the desk in front of Arthit, with batted breathes. For the first time in all those years scared of rejection and fearing their everything breaking off.

Then another miracle happened, when he was swiped off the ground and kissed till he was puddle in those strong arms.

Their tears mingling with each other, as he was showered with millions of thank yous. And Kong felt the dark cage that was binding him, break with a simple acceptance.

"We love you so much..." Kong had whispered.

Earning a soft dimpled smile, with glazy hazel eyes, as his forehead was kissed tight, followed by his lips. As he was held tight and given a whisper.

"I love you too... All of you..."

Kong smiled shyly with the memories. Because one miracle... He looked down and caressed the showing swell on his belly. Under the knitted black sweater he was wearing.

Led to another miracle... He looked at the platinum band enclosed around his slender, dusky left ring finger.

It seemed like his boyfriend, now husband... Kong grinned silly at the thought again, with a warm blush. Was in a sudden hurry and the next thing Kongpob knows, he was being kissed on the alter.

And it was the best thing... As he suddenly saw a new side of his husband. One that was protective, caring and loving. Who treated Kong like a fragile china... He always did, but that just increased tenfold. Like Kong might break.

Stopped Kong from lifting a finger, though it tired the other to no coming back, but his husband looked happy and content. Kongpob was never asked to leave the job.

He was given full freedom, but he can see his Husband torn Between letting Kong live his life according to his wishes or just asking him to quit.

But Kong can see how it was taking a piece of his husband's health everyday. Because they were still working and getting constant distances from their investing work. The only relief... Atleast they came to each other at night.

It's After Dark.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon