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A/n: It's a crossover between two of my favourite shows. One of which is not a BL.

It's old one... But I guessed it will belong more here...


Kongpob looked over his shoulder and smiled. No doubt it was extremely quite in the car. He looked ahead again and drove, through the light morning traffic. It was a beautiful day. Not so much cold. With bright sun. And melting snow from last night. He rolled the steering, making the peeking sun rays glimmer the white gold band, secured on the ring finger of his left hand.

Kong checked the time. It was close to 10. 30 am. Kong sighed, he can meet with HIM. There's still time for his meeting with delegates.

Kong thanked the heavens when he finally saw the black glassed, tall infrastructure in front of him. He checked the backseat in his rear view and drove the car in the underground parking. He drove through the brightly lit tunnels and parked his car in one of the private parkings.

Kong took his Grey black trench coat from the companion sit and stepped out the car. It was chilly there. Kong draped the coat over his dark suit and opened the backdoor of his car next. He leaned in carefully and pulled open the small straps. He collected their bundle of joy in his arms, coming out. Shutting the door and pushing the automatic locks. He stuffed his keys in his pocket and rushed towards the elevator.

Kongpob rubbed over the furry small back when the elevator hummed towards the topmost floor.

"Wake up Leah." Kong crooned. And ofcourse got no response. Except for a soft nuzzle on his shoulder.

Kong checked the floor number. They were about to reach. He continued to coax and croon.

"Wake up darling." Kong kissed the furry small shoulder.

Earning a whine. Making Kong chuckle and rub over the back more. So much like her Daddy.

"Wake up, wake up sweetheart. We are meeting Daddy."

That seemed to have perked the attention of the little thing. Kong was soon stared back with big, long lashed, hazel eyes. Which blinked at him in wonder. Eyes which reminded Kong so much of him. Pretty red full lips with curved corners. And skin as fair as porcelain.


"Yes..." Kong nodded. "Daddy."

Leah squeeled in his arms. Now full awakened and excited. Kong sighed. Leah looked exactly like HIM. The only trait of Kong which Leah got was the way she perks up with the mention of Daddy.

Kong stepped out of the elevator in the topmost floor. With white ultra modern interior. Marbled floor with false ceiling and abstract wallpapers. A waiting corner with L shaped couch and centre table. It was the office of the CEO of Rojnapat Enterprises

Kong walked straight towards the reception and smiled at Martha. Nodding politely at the private team, busy in their cubicles.

"Good morning Sir." Martha beamed and waved at Leah.

She was in a black dress with overcoat. Her brunette hairs tucked in a smart bun. Her lips set in a smile, as she kept crooning at Leah.

"How's the weather?" Kong leaned over the table and tried keeping his voice low.

Martha looked around, to make sure no one was listening and met Kong's gaze again.

"The worst thunderstorm of the week." Martha whispered.

"That bad?" Kong gaped.

Martha nodded. "He just found out about embazzlement from the finance department. We are lucky we are alive yet."

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