Gorgeous and Mine.

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A/n: Age gap. But not for long. Even though I warned in the author's note. I am doing again. Proceed if only comfortable. Thank you...


"Kongpob... Stop running around sweetie... Come back..." Luna chuckled, running behind her four year old.

Only to be replied with audible giggles, which rang through their backyard.

She watched her beautiful son sprinting about their backyard. Clad in a warm sky blue woollen dungaree, with white turtle neck sweater and sneakers. Head clad with a knitted hat.

She has been trying from a long time.. to get her little devil inside... But Kongpob seemed to be in the mood of mischief.

"Okay fine... Looks like little Kong doesn't love Mumma anymore..." Luna dropped on the staircase of their back porch, fauxing tears. As she covered her eyes, peeking from the gaps between her fingers. "Mummy is so upset..."

Kongpob stopped whatever he was doing. As he stared at his mother... Still standing at some distance. He panicked, tilting his head when he heard his mother crying. He just wanted to play a little...

"Don't cry Mommy..." Kongpob mumbled as he started rushing towards his mother... As fast as his little feet took him. "Please don't cry... Kong will be a good boy..."

Luna smiled behind her palm as little Kongpob rushed towards her. His glowing, lightly dusky skin making Luna sigh in contentment. Still not believing that she was able to give birth to something so gorgeous.

Her precious child... Her Kongpob...

"Mommy... Don't cry... I am here..." Kongpob struggled up the steps... Which were still too high for his tiny body.

Luna grabbed an unaware Kongpob the moment he came close to his mother.

"Gotchu..." Luna fake snarled, tickling her little boy.

Kongpob yelled, struggling in Luna's arms. Falling in fits of laughter, as he tried pushing away. Thrashing his tiny limbs around... The sound of his beautiful laugh echoing through the open space... And the woods that laid beyond...


Luna laughed along, slowly stopping and hiding her face against Kong's neck. Inhaling deeply. Kongpob smelled really good... He always did, from the day he was born... She kissed Kong's neck with a smile... While Kong remained laughing.

Dark clouds were slowly veiling the sky... Her little boy is always scared of the thunder... So she wanted to get him inside as soon as she can.

"Don't..." Aim was just in time to put all his strength in taking the impact of his friend.

Who collided against him, sending a wave of energy about with the impact. Stopping abruptly from the sprinting. He sighed, when he heard a growl and was looked back with flaming amber eyes... And a bared snarl.

"Let. Me. Go..." He heard the deep command in syllables.

"No..." Another voice interrupted.

And Aim felt thankful, looking at the two huge men coming their way. One taller, the other buffier. But they stopped abruptly too, as they were thrown a glare.

"No..." Knott, the buffier one repeated at the snarling face.

Knott bunched the sleeved of his black jacket and white tee. Stepping closer, watching as Aim held tight around their revolting friend. Aim's pale face red with all the struggle he was putting to hold back the man, albeit all his muscles. Who was close to causing a massacre.

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