Fleshes 5.

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Kong gnawed his lips as he sat carefully over the cemented bench and looked ahead. The weather was warm and pleasant... And when he woke up from a very uncomfortable nap... He was already wearing a loose, nude pink trouser with white woolen turtleneck. His babies were ready in matching blue woolen dungarees and white sweater. Wearing woolen caps on their head with sneakers.

And Arthit was in black cargo pants with a loose black cross knitted cashmere sweater and black boots. Eyes covered with the black rimmed glasses and hairs brushed from the side. Kong's heart skipped on beats looking at the handsome face of his husband. He wore casual after so long... He looked so hot that Kong had gulped down lumps and blushed from head to toe... Also knowing the fact that even though it was uncomfortable, he took a nap so deep that he didn't even feel his husband changing him.

It felt so shy and giddy to think that Kong calls this man his husband.

Who put slip ons on his feet and even carried him to the car. Prepared a whole set of lunch when Kong and their kids were sleeping. Drove them to the beautiful valley of Shellac. Shellac has many beautiful spots... But this one gives a view to a waterfall. It even has a small amusement park.

Kong watched as Arthit set the bedsheet under a huge tree and arranged their lunch basket over. Adam and Danny running in circles around the tree along with their pups... And two huge men who were making sure they didn't fall. While Orion was just beside the bench he was sitting on... Keeping an eye around.

Kong blinked and looked ahead in a daze finding Arthit walking his way. He squirmed with a blush, still very much intimidated by Arthit's presence. And he dropped his gaze, wrapping his arms around Arthit's neck when Arthit scooped him up. Walking towards the bedsheet...

He looked at the bright, open sky ... So beautiful and blue with cotton clouds hued golden with the soft sunshine. He nudged his face against Arthit's neck and kept staring at the humongous display of colours as Arthit carried him... Like brightness that gave hope of something beautiful... Something to fight for...

They didn't speak a word, as Arthit set them down over the bedcover. Leaning back against the tree on their back. With Kong resting his back against Arthit's chest, his legs folded beneath his hips. Sitting between Arthit's parted legs, with one leg folded. Arthit holding possessively around his body. His arms folded and in Arthit's hold. As they both watched quietly at their children playing with the cubs.

Kong kept gulping down lumps, with each sound of his kids laughter and their happy faces... Feeling dread grip him with the thoughts of possibilities. Of things that could've happened... Their world would've shattered in an instant...

Kong never asked... But he knows that Arthit knows something... That makes him so edgy... Makes him so paranoid. Arthit knows what Kong doesn't... And Kong doesn't want to know... Because his deepest primitive instinct was scared to know the truth... Like it knew that the truth would be catastrophic...

Kong turned his face against Arthit's chest, curling himself against Arthit's safe embrace. Feeling home like always..  and he couldn't help the silent sobs that left his mouth... Arthit didn't stop him... Just held him tighter...

While Kong's overwhelming emotions of gratefulness, luck and happiness consumed him. But also a fear gripped him...

That night when the bullet hurt him... He realised how inevitable death is... How sudden and impetuous... How it can touch you anytime it wants and ruin your whole life...

"P'Arthit..." Kong sniffed and parted, looking up at his husband.

Who looked down with a blank face, but Kong knew he was listening. His hazel eyes... The depths where Kong lives every moment of his life... Making him erratic and sorrowful at the same time...

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