Mine to be.

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A/n: I don't know what trigger warning I should give. But there's child abuse and age gap. So proceed with caution.


Life is very unpredictable... You get face on with curve balls everyday... Spinning in a spiral never knowing where you will end up in... Kongpob was born in an abusive household... His father was very mentally and physically abusive to his mother and himself... And him being an omega didn't help much... Poverty was in their home like a guest who forgot to leave... And his father was never very caring about changing their condition...

He would sit at home all day, chug on beers and watch television... And call his friends in the house... The money earner was always his mom... Working round the clock in clubs and bars only to get beaten and snatched off her hard earned money the moment she steps inside their house... While Kong will just peek with tears from upstairs...

Later sleeping and hugging his mother at night... Hearing a promise. "You will have a wonderful life ahead, my love... Mommy swears..."

Lisa was his sanctuary... No matter the pain, she always showered all her love at Kong... And she didn't trust his father or his friends, whom Kong disliked even from a young age... Their eyes were always dirty on him... Calling him to sit with them... Kong would always run away... And lock himself, even when his mother would be around...

She never let any of them approach Kong, going to the extent of using knives whenever they'd try being closer... His father wouldn't even bother. In fact he looked ready to be supportive to his friends. And when she'd go for her work... She would leave Kong with an old lady down the road. She never told his father where she'd leave Kong... Lying whenever confronted... And the old lady would keep Kong hidden and fed. Even give him basic lessons because Kong didn't go to school...

But everything changed one night... Kong remembers waking up... He was six years old... And he could hear his father's loud voice downstairs for a change... Kong remembers being scared... So scared as he tiptoed his way down the stairs and stood quietly watching the scene in front of him...

His father was being held down by two black suited men and his mother was sobbing in someone else's arms... A tall man... Holding his mother dearly... While looking down at his father... The man looked so handsome that Kong remembers being in a dilemma in which situation he should be paying his attention to first... But even in his young mind... He felt no remorse for his father...

"Mommy..." Kong had mumbled with tears.

That caught Lisa's attention as she looked at her child... She wanted to approach... But Kong watched as the new man stopped her and approached Kong's way instead... Kong had trembled... As he stepped back, ready to bolt looking at the man reach toe to toe with him... Making Kong intimidated and ready to sob.

But then that man squatted in front of Kong and he felt so small in front of the person... But there was something about the blue green eyes that looked back at him. The man was so handsome with a sharp face and chiseled features and he smelled so comforting... Kong's tiny senses knew he was facing a true blood. But he didn't feel scared of it... Infact he relaxed as he sniffed the relaxing stormy essence of the man.

"Hey..." The man had crooned with a smile. "Hey munchkin... Hey sweetheart... You are so beautiful..."

Kong had shied away... Meeting his mother's gaze with a blush... But Lisa didn't seem alarmed like around his father's friends... And that was enough for assurance. As he met the alpha's gaze again.

"Wh... Who are you?" Kong had whispered in a squeaky voice.

"Me?" The man chuckled. "I am your father, munchkin..."

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