Fleshes 3.

851 47 630

"P'Arthit..." Kongpob sobbed, clawing the pillow that his face was stuffed on.

His body continuing to jolt with the deep thrusts. His knees hurting now, being in the same position. He felt his eyes rolling back, through his tears. Feeling the continuous punches on his bundle of nerves. As his hips were held in a bruising grip.

The sound of deeply pleasured grunts making him blush and sob. Hiding his face more against the pillow. Gasping with a wave of pleasure when he felt two hard smacks. Almost getting him undone.

This wasn't just sex with his husband... This was a hundred times better than that. Kongpob loved and feared that unfazed, burning, unfiltered, constant passion that his husband has for him.

Like it was their first months of dating.

"Arthit... Oh... Oh please, please slow down..." Kong whispered, trying to look back. "Arthit..."

Kong's eyes widened next, feeling the harder impales that he got replied with. He rested his chin on the pillow, clawing it's edges. His eyes rolled back and blinked closed. His jaws parted. He felt the first wave course through him, shuddering him and making him see white.

And then... He felt that burn of bottled lava in the pit of his belly, making his brain go numb and slowly break into pieces.

"Oon... I am..." Kong screamed next, shuddering from head to toe. Hiding his face against the pillow.

His whole body clenching when he felt the waves of orgasms course through him. That momentary burn which is painful in such a pleasing way, that he wanted it over and over.

Also his husband's deep impales that rided him through, made him gag on his drool. Until all the bottled up burn combusted and he slumped on the pillow. Gasping through his mouth and slumping.

But he wasn't given much time, as he got unceremoniously tossed on his back. He looked up and blushed furiously at the sight.

The naked form of his husband, that came between his legs. Parting them wide. His tattooed torso wet with sweat. Face flushed, with hairs sweat slicked and pasting on his forehead. And his eyes...

Kong blushed, looking at the wild glint in those beautiful hazel eyes. The raw, unadulterated passion and the dark lust that spiralled in those eyes. As Arthit brushed back his sweat slicked hairs, with one hand. Looking at Kong over his lashes. Making Kong feel small and tremble...

He doesn't remember the last time he saw this craze in his husband's eyes. It's been ages.

Something must be bothering him... To make him do this to Kongpob in the middle of the day. With bright sunlight brushing over their whole room. Kongpob wanted to comfort his spouse....

Because Arthit was scaring him... Kong has already forgotten the number of rounds... He raised his arms to hold Arthit.

"P'Arthit... What..."

Kong's eyes went wide, as his wrists were pinned over the bed. With Arthit rocking in him at the very same time. His sensitive body shuddered, as he parted his legs more and curled his toes.

But what shuddered him the most, is his husband's eyes. Arthit leaned down, his face inches away from Kong's. A wild glint in his eyes, his face dark. Even with his pale skin and the bright lights. The sight making Kong shudder, fisting his knuckles. He tried forming words, but his throat was glued.

"Hey Wild Flowers..." Arthit gave a crooked smile, his eyes boring into Kong's.

Kong teared up, hearing the menace that laced in the soft call. Feeling his lips tremble as he stared back. The smile sending shudders down his spine.

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