Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to hiddy<3


Hey mama and dada. So you guys told me to write you letters? Well here I am, obeying you like the totally dutiful daughter I am.

My first week at Jordan Redford High has gone by okay. Not well, because that would be exaggerating. This is the place where I least want to be.

I was right about assuming everybody was brain dead. Okay, maybe I was wrong about Blair, because I hung out with her the whole time and she didn't seem half as stupid as everybody else.
Turns out, she's very rich. Her dad is actually state senate now. And she's the captain of the cheerleading squad. She even asked me to join it, but I refused.

Blair knows that I have violent tendencies, but she doesn't know that I know how to use a gun and that I kill people. She doesn't think I act on my words.

That's right, you read the last part right. I still kill people. I told you that I'd keep my promises and I killed everybody on the list you sent me. If you want me to kill more people, send me more names and I will gladly fulfill my task.

I gotta go now, I have nothing else to say. Ah yes, auntie is nice, but I miss you guys. I will take my revenge on the person who got you where you are and that is a promise.

I will kill him.

I love you and I miss you,
Leighton xoxo


"Is your house far?" Blair asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Oh, no, just a couple houses down."

She nodded and we stayed silent until we reached my house.

We live in a pretty big house, but extremely small, compared to Blair's mansion.

"Nice house," Blair commented, when we entered my room.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Are your parents rich?"

I hadn't told her that my parents were locked up. I don't think I ever would. Honestly, I didn't even know why I was talking to her. But she seemed to have taken me under her wing, so I wasn't going to complain.

Actually, yes. I don't need anybody to take me under their wings. I'm not scared of people. People are scared of me. Like, hello, I'm the one who learned how to shoot at six! Needless to say, I have a perfect aim.

I sighed. "No. We're middle-class. Maybe upper middle class, even. Why does it matter though?"

She didn't say anything. Suddenly, her eyes widened.

"Hey, who's he?" She asked, her voice different than how it was before.

She was pointing at a guy mowing his lawn outside the window. It took me a few seconds to recognize him.

"Wait for me here. Do not come outside, okay?" She didn't say anything but I know she understood.
I rushed outside and joined him.

"Taylor?" I said.

He looked up and smiled his charming smile.

Taylor Clair was my childhood bestfriend, he moved a few years ago but he never told me where.
He looked so much different now. He used to be chubby, but now he had abs and v-lines. He has a nice tan and it contrasts perfectly with his light brown eyes. His hair is longer now and he has tiny freckles all over his face. I guess he got braces, because his teeth aren't crooked anymore. He's handsome now.

"Well, well, well. Is this real life? Is Leighton Willows actually standing in front of me?" He smiled and pulled me in a bear hug.

"I just moved a week ago. Do you live here?"

"Yeah. It seems like we're neighbours again! What school do you go to?"

Taylor, my childhood bestfriend, and long-time crush was my neighbour? This was good.

"Jordan Redford High. You?"

"Sucks. I go to Sir John Prep, which is a little bit up north."

Oh. That's why I haven't seen him. His school ends two hours before mine.

"So what have you been up to? You changed alot," I smiled and poked him in the stomach. "You lost all your baby fat."

He chuckled. "Yeah. You too. And I haven't really done anything special, but I have a girlfriend for six months now, and I'm part of the lacrosse team."

He had a girlfriend? Did he forget about his promise to me a few years ago?

We were about twelve or thirteen years old. School was out and we were hanging out at the park. We were tired of riding our bikes, so we decided to just sit on the swings and eat ice cream and talk.

He turned to me and he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"What?" I hugged my ice cream cone to my chest, because I knew that if he was smirking like that, then he was obviously thinking of something.

He stopped swinging. "Okay, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while... but who do you like?"
I stopped swinging as well, in surprise. I didn't know whether or not to tell him that I liked him since I first saw him in second grade.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Who do you like?"

"Hey, that's not fair, I asked you the question first."

I stopped talking, and he realized that I was not going to say anything so he sighed. "Okay. I like you."

I swallowed hard. He liked me? I thought he was trying to joke with me so I laughed. I stopped when I saw his serious expression.

"I'm serious. I like you. But I never told you because you're my best friend and I don't want things to be awkward and I don't want to lose you."

"Well you should have told me." I stated, my eyes boring into his.

"Why? What would you have said to me?"

"That I like you too. And that I didn't think you'd like me back."

Then, he asked me out.

"I don't know what my parents would think, Taylor." My parents were very strict about boys, and they made it clear that they didn't like Taylor. That's why him and I had to keep our friendship on the low."I guess we should wait until we get older."

He smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll wait for you. As long as you wait for me. No matter what. Promise?"

I nodded. "I promise."

How could he forget about that? I guess he never liked me that much. The thought made my stomach churn.

"Uhm... congratulations on your girlfriend. How is she?"

"Oh, I love her. She's beautiful and nice and she's amazing." It was his girlfriend's fault. She made him forget about me.

I was going to get my future husband back. Even if I had to kill for that.

Chappie threeeeeeee! I hope y'all liked it. The next chapter is going to be a little bit more intense, you shall like that haha. (HINT: some truths are going to be revealed)
Sorry for the short chapters :/
Taylor's picture on the side ------------------->
Chapter four might be up soon! I'll try ;3
Thanks for giving me feedback and voting!

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