Chapter 16

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Water. I need water. For days, Leighton made me starve, beat me and tortured me. I was humiliated, I lost the last bit of dignity I had in me.

It took everything in me not to break down crying in front of Leighton and her acolytes as they forced me to scrub the floors, cook, clean, and when they showered me with insults and lacerated my skin with their whips.

"Get up," Leighton said harshly. She then forcefully grabbed me by the ponytail to force me up, causing me to let out a small cry of pain. "We're going out for a walk. You have ten minutes to get dressed and meet me at the door. Go!"

I didn't ask her where we were going, I knew she would get angry at me, so I hurriedly walked to the laundry room and grabbed a clean white shirt and jeans. It was all there was here. I half-jogged to where Leighton told me to meet her and saw that she was already there, looking annoyed as she was waiting for my arrival.

"I'm ready," I croaked. I was still very scared of her, I had seen half of what she was capable of and I didn't want to witness the rest.

"Let's go," she grunted.

We walked for about twenty minutes in complete silence. It was nice being outside for the first time in days so i was trying to enjoy this walk as much as I could, even though I was in company of a crazed assassin. Who knew when I'd be able to go outside again anyways? The chances were slim to none.

We stopped in an empty, quiet park and I followed her as she sat down on a bench.

"You know, I didn't want this to happen, Blair." she said, never lifting her head to look at me. "You had one job, Blair. One, small, dumb, job. I trusted you. It wasn't that hard. I thought you were smart. But you ruined it, my friend, you ruined it."

She looked at me with cold, angry eyes. It looked like she was waiting for a response but a small "sorry" was all I could muster.

She seemed to accept it because she nodded and the angry look in her eyes vanished.

"If you really want to make it up to me, you have to join our group," she said, smirking evilly. Clea had explained to me that they were a group of killers who hated the government. It hadn't really make sense to me.

"What happens if I accept?" I asked.

"You live," was all she had said.

It was obvious that I had to join, but really, what was the point in accepting her offer if I was just going to live a miserable life?

"So what exactly would I have to do?" I inquired.

"You'd go on missions with me. If I decide to trust you, I might let you go alone and promote you to a higher rank, like Clea and Kyle."

"And your missions are... to basically kill po-your targets?"

"We're thinking of switching things up a bit. People are starting to clue in, so we're thinking of kidnapping people now."

"I don't know how I feel about that," I muttered.

Her gaze hardened, I could see that she wasn't very happy.

"If you don't accept, I'm going to have to kill you. You're fucking useless, and I doubt anyone would care. You have nothing left."

She had spoken the truth. I had no parents, and I didn't even know if Elle and Avery were still alive. I didn't want to ask.

Suddenly, I remembered Taylor. Was he okay? Surely Leighton wouldn't hurt him, right? If I asked, she would think I was interested in him, and she'd beat me to death.

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