Chapter 5

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It took me a week to come up with the perfect plan. I knew exactly how I was going to kill my three victims.

It took me a while to figure out what weapon I was going to use to kill Blair's dad. I decided that I was going to use my gun, since I had a great aim and I was more comfortable with shooting.

I would also use a knife as a back-up, just in case. Or it could be the other way around.
I was going to kill Taylor's dad first, because he's naive and fat, and since I was Taylor's best friend for a long time, they wouldn't suspect I had anything to do with his death.

I was going to kill him in his sleep, that way I was not going to attract any attention.
I was going to kill him tonight.

I smirked a little. I haven't killed anybody in a while, and I kind of missed it. This shall be fun.


It was 10:40 pm, meaning that Taylor's dad was going to bed in about five or ten minutes.

I took my sharpest knife and slipped in my boots, and slipped my gun in my other one. I hid three extra bullets in my pockets, so I was all set.

I snuck out of my room and went downstairs, making sure not to make a noise.

"Where are you going, young lady?"


I turned around with a smile plastered on my face. My aunt knew why my parents were in jail and she didn't approve of their lifestyle, so I never bothered telling her that I killed people myself.

"I'm just going to Taylor's."

"Why? It's almost eleven."

"Because, I haven't seen him in a while and he asked me to visit him."

"No, you're staying here."

"Auntie. I'm sixteen, not five anymore. Plus, his house is right next door, and I won't stay for more than thirty minutes. I promise."

This seemed to convince her and she left the room without saying a word.

I walked up to the Clairs' house. I knew Taylor wasn't there, because his car wasn't either.

Good, no witnesses. The only problem was, how will get in? I didn't want to get noticed.

I look around and see a ladder on the ground, at the house beside Taylor's. I run over to the other side of his house and pick up the ladder.

I pressed it against the wall and started climbing, until I reached the bathroom window. How was I going to open it? I could break it, but what if Taylor's dad was still awake? Or he had guests?

Then, I remember seeing my mom doing something on the occasional times I would come with her on her missions. Sometimes, when she wanted to break in discreetly, she used her bobby pins to unlock everything.

"A bobby pin is a must. Never underestimate bobby pins. You can open any lock with one," she had explained to me, when I asked her about it.

I took a bobby pin from my hair and fiddled with the screws that held the window.

Unscrewing them all, I lifted the window and got inside, one leg at a time.

I ran outside, and the hallway was dark and silent. I pressed myself against the bathroom door and listened closely.

I could here someone moan in the room across from the bathroom, where I was standing.

What was going on in there?

I opened the door and saw Taylor's dad and another woman in a very embarrassing situation.

"Sorry," I said, smirking. "I didn't mean to interrupt your intercourse," I put the emphasis on intercourse, my smile growing wider.

Mr. Clair pulled the blankets up to cover his and the woman's naked bodies.

As if I was interested in seeing their junk.
I was only planning on killing one tonight, but I was happy that I had another victim.

I drew out my gun and shot at the girl's face, twice.

I laughed at the face Mr. Clair made. He looked like he was in pain, like he was constipated.

"Oh, Mr. Clair. You guys were making babies, I'm sorry for interrupting you during your love creation. But I'm going to kill you, like you killed my family."

He opened his mouth to say something, but I fired before a sound escaped his lips.

I walked up to them, to make sure that they were really dead.

Their bodies were stiff and motionless. I shot at their chest twice to make sure that they would really die.

I smirked, satisfied with my work.

I ran out and jumped out of the window, ignoring the searing pain I felt in my leg when I scraped the wall.

Putting the ladder back at its place, I ran back home. Thankfully, Auntie was sleeping so she wouldn't notice the blood on me.
I took my jacket off and cut it to pieces with my scissors, then tossed it in the fireplace, watching the fabric burn.

Dear Mama and Dada

I did as I was told. I killed Mr. Clair. Next victim is Jordan Redford.
I will not deceive you, Mama and Dada. I promise to avenge those who were killed and quench your thirst for revenge.
I will also help you get out of jail.
I miss you.
- Leighton xoxo

After writing the letter and tucking it under my mattress, I went to bed, smirking even broader.

I was going to sleep well tonight.

Hey guys! I love this chapter ahah(:
Next chapter is going to be Leighton's POV again, but Blair will be back soon and Taylor as well!

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