Chapter 23

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  • Dedicata a my brother


I woke up from a delicious dream where I was sitting in McDonald's with Elle and Avery, eating a delicious burger. I hadn't been to McDonald's in a while, and I was extra excited when Leighton offered me to come with her.

I eagerly waited for Leighton at the door, so that we could finally leave and drive to McDonald's. Saying I was thrilled was an understatement.

Leigton finally arrived and she was scowling. Fuck, she's pissed. So is McDonald's cancelled? I knew I was overreacting, but I felt nervous thinking about it and a lump formed in my throat.

"Let's go," she grunted, pushing past me.

I smiled behind her back, relieved. McDonald's was still on.

We drove in an awkward silence. Well, awkward for me, because I doubted Leighton wanted to talk to me anyways. She was still scowling.

"Is everything alright?" I said, in a tiny voice, breaking the silence.

"Other than the fact that I work with incompetent fools? Everything is fine," she snapped, never taking her eyes off the road.

"Oh," was all I could muster. I doubt she'd want to hear anything I had to say.

"So here's the deal. We go inside, buy the food, then leave. Got it?" She said.

I nodded.

We drove the rest of the drive in silence, but McDonald's wasn't far so we made it in fifteen minutes. We quickly got out of the car.

The McDonald's was mostly empty. There were only two people eating, which was odd because it was Saturday and it was lunch time.

"Hello, welcome to McDonald's. I'm Shelley, how can I help you?" Shelley said, smiling at us behind the cash.

"I'd like to get four cheeseburgers, four fries, and four regular sodas. To go," Leighton hissed in a rude voice.

The cashier raised an eyebrow and looked at me in dismay, surprised by Leighton's attitude. I shrugged and gave her a half smile, apologizing on her behalf.

"Is that all?" She replied politely.

"I don't know what you mean by 'is that all'" Leighton snapped, "I ordered over eight items!"

"Sorry," Shelley mumbled, visibly troubled by Leighton. "Four cheeseburgers and four fries!" She called. She handed us four regular sized bottles to fill our cups in, and pointed at soda machines in the back.

Leighton and I took the bottles and walked over to the machines, filling our cups.

"Get straws, napkins and ustensils," Leighton ordered curtly.

I quickly walked over to where we were before. Someone put their hand on my forearm, surprising me.

"Uh, excuse me but who are you sir?" I asked the man.

He looked at me closely. "I think I've seen you somewhere before," he said

Scared, I shook my head. "You must have the wrong person in mind," I squeaked. But deep down, I knew he might be right.

He stared at me even harder, causing me discomfort. His eyes suddenly widened and he gasped loudly.

"You were on TV! And you're everywhere on the news! You and that boy went missing!" He said loudly.

Every head turned to look at me. I hadn't noticed more people had come in the store.

They all gasped in unison and I heard choruses of "yes I've seen that girl!" and "her uncle was looking for her!"

The KidnapperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora