Chapter 8

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It was dark and cold outside. It rained, it poured. I was scared that there might be a tornado or something, because there was a huge thunderstorm outside and the wind was so strong, it was almost impossible for Elle, Avery and I to walk.

"Hurry up," I whispered-yelled to them. "We don't have forever, we already wasted two hours and we need to get this done and over with soon."

We spent two hours after school watching spy movies to learn moves and how to kidnap.

Leighton also gave me a few tips, so we should be okay.

If we didn't get caught.

I couldn't believe that I was in a situation like this. Who knew that the new girl, that I tried to befriend a few months ago, was making us do something illegal?

She was crazy. She was psycho and a killer.
"Where's the house?" Elle murmured,
tugging on the rim of her ski mask to keep it in place.

"Right around the corner of the street," I said, frowning.

Maybe Leighton would be looking out the window, her house was right beside his. She must be wondering why we were taking forever to arrive.

I decide to pick up the pace. Their legs aren't as long as mine, so they struggle to catch up with me.

We finally arrive at his house. Leighton told me his room was in the basement, so the girls and I looked for the window that led to his room.

He didn't have curtains, so I could see him on his computer, and he looked pretty damn concentrated.

"I'll open the window, I'll go in, then Elle will follow me with the stick, Avery you stay here and make sure no one comes or sees us. If anybody asks you what you're doing, make something up," I whisper.

I pull a bobby pin out of my hair and unlock the window. Taylor had headphones in, so he hadn't heard me.

I got in, one leg at a time. I jumped in his room, Elle following close behind.

We slowly march up to him, and we stand behind him.

He was so stupid, he hadn't even realized our presence.

"The bat," I whisper to Elle.

She hands me the baseball bat and I whack Taylor hard in the head. I momentarily felt bad for him, but there was no time for pity. I would just hope I hadn't caused brain damage. He passes out and Elle and I attempt to lift him.

He's tall, big and heavy so it's difficult for us to lift him. As soon as we manage to get him off his chair, Elle grabs both his legs, and I grab his arms. We throw him out the window carelessly.

We get out of the room and put him inside the trunk of Avery's car and speed off.
My phone vibrates. I pick it up and see that Leighton texted me.

Good job. Remember all the things I told you to do; do not feed or talk to him. Lock him somewhere nobody ever goes. I'll come get him tomorrow after school.

Rolling my eyes, I threw my phone in my bag. I hated her and I wanted nothing to do with her, but I was so dumb, I kidnapped a guy for her!

Avery dropped me off at my house and I ran to my room, after painfully dragging Taylor with me.

Screw Leighton and her dumb instructions, I wasn't going to let him starve and I was certainly not going to lock him up somewhere. Kidnapping him was already enough.

I stared at him. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had long brown hair, light brown eyes and a tan skin. I could also see that he had muscles and his shirt was so tight that I could make out the lines of his abs.

"Ouch my head!" He moaned, startling me. I hadn't even realized he was awake! He looked up, and grimaced both in confusion and pain. "What the hell happened? Why am I here?" He said, glaring at me.

"I- you were-" I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I kidnapped him, he'd probably hate me.

"What is going on?"

"Okay, this might sound crazy but I was forced to kidnap you. So you've been kidnapped. Basically. But I swear I'm nice! Oh god, I am the worst kidnapper in the world!" I said quickly.

"Kidnapped? What do you mean I've being kidnapped?!" He exclaimed.

"I- Leighton forced me to kidnap you. She almost shot me, so I had no choice!"

"Leighton Willows?" He echoed, looking shocked.

"Yes. She killed your father and my father and she brought a gun to my head this morning. She said I had to kidnap you. I was supposed to lock you somewhere in my house and not feed you. She's going to come get you tomorrow."

"What are you talking about? Leighton would never do that. I know who you are, I've seen you around. You're a crazy psychotic bitch!"

"Oh really? I'm the psycho? You don't know me!"

"Release me. Or I will call the cops on you."

"How can I release you? You're not even locked up! I'm nice enough to risk my life by allowing you to still be able to walk around freely and feed you! Also, I would love to see you try to call the cops. With what phone would you call them? Ha!"

"I'd rather be dead than here."

"You really think I wanted this to happen, Taylor?" I spat.

"Yes, now stop lying, you're insane and you better let me go."

"I'm not a psychopath, I am not insane, Leighton is!" I angrily yelled.

"Stop lying to me and trying to blame Leighton for something she never did! I knew her all my life! You're really not helping your case, I'm going to fucking kill you, you crazy bitch!"

"You know what? You'll see what she's capable of tomorrow when she comes and gets you. I don't even care. Have a good night."

I get out of my room before he could protest and lock it, bringing the key with me.

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