Chapter 15

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"What was that Leighton? Why did you make us stop so soon?" Clea said.

"Yeah, honestly, that was barely even a punishment." Kyle chimed in. "She still had the strength to scream."

I kept quiet as they went on and on, complaining about how I should've let them continue beating her.

I don't really know what happened. I guess I felt bad, momentarily. I could hear her from miles away, screaming and every time I went to check up on Taylor he was constantly begging me to stop whatever they were doing to her.

If I hadn't had a little bit of sympathy, I would never have let her get out alive.

"Enough! Shut up both of you! I had my reasons and I still need her." I snapped. "Remember who the boss is here! I do not need to explain myself to you! Do not question me."

They shut up and nodded.

"So what do we do now?" Kyle asked.

"Go make sure Blair is doing her work properly, and if anything is wrong do
not touch her and come to me. If all is well, go back to what you were doing yesterday, we still need more people on our side. I'll take care of Taylor. Go, you idiots!"


I walked into the room I had locked Taylor in. He was still tied to his chair and looked up at the sound of the door opening. His eyes contained a look of defeat and I could see he had stopped trying to untie his hand and feet.

"I see you stopped trying to escape," I said. "That's good. I noticed a rash was starting to form on your hands. You can't see, but they're all red now. I bet they're burning, you poor thing."

He didn't say anything but kept his eyes on me.

"I still haven't told you where we are, haven't I, Taylor?" I continued, pacing the room. "Well let me explain something. I'm part of a group that hates this country. This is our secret HQ. You have everything you could want here, food, clothes, TV, anything. Of course, I can't tell you where we are, for security issues," I could tell he wasn't following what I was saying by his confused expression. "Like I was saying before, I am part of an anti-government group. There's some of us in every single state, working hard like my dear friends Clea, Kyle and myself. Working hard for justice to be served and one day..." I paused, and smiled at nothing, the thought making me happy. "We will overthrow the government."

"By working hard, you mean... you kill politicians?" He said, frowning.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "That's exactly it. We're working for a good cause. We're doing a good deed. Eliminating the vermin."

"But you have also killed innocent people, like Mr. Mayer. He was just an old man, who had been retired for years."

I chuckled. "Oh no, we would never kill innocent people, no no. I am not that cruel. None of us are. Besides, it would do us no good. Everything we do has a purpose. There's no time for fun and for games. We must do everything quickly, and seriously."

"But... my dad. He was not a politician, he was just a teacher! Why did you have him killed?" He looked like he was about to cry soon.

"He knew the president though, and we're also eliminating all of his allies. In the end, he'll be all alone."

"Kinda like the Xbox game Assassin's Creed. You're the assassins and you're out to kill the Templars and their allies," he said, his face void of emotion.

I laughed loudly. "Yes! Exactly like that. Remember when we used to play that game all the time when we were younger? You kept saying I was horrible, but I know that deep down you knew that I was great." I smiled at him but he didn't return it.

Oh well. It would take us time to get back to the way our friendship was before.

"You said you wanted to be with me didn't you?" He asked so quietly, I could barely hear.

My eyes lit up. Could my dreams of being with him really come true?

"Yes," I squeaked. "Do you wanna be with me?"

"No. I really don't fucking want to be with you, not after hearing all of this. You killed my fucking father! And now you're expecting me to be with you? You're insane! You're deranged! I never fucking want to see your fucking face again Leighton! How the fuck could you do this to me? Fuck you! Fuck off!" He screamed.

I had no time to be surprised, I knew he'd say something like this. I was ready to deal with his angry outbursts.

"Taylor, my poor baby boy, will you calm down yes? Angry does not suit your lovely, beautiful face and-"

"Get the fuck out you delusional bitch! Leave me alone!" He yelled, his face tomato red.

His insult had me right where it hurt, and I wasn't going to put up with that. Sighing, I reached for a syringe in my pocket. It was filled with sedatives.

"I really didn't want it to come down to this, Taylor," I whispered, moving close to him and put my hand on his cheek. I took a deep breath and inserted the syringe's needle into his neck, and watched as his face went from looking angry to confused.

"I'm sorry, baby, it will be alright. We'll be alright," I continued whispering, kissing his forehead. "It will be alright. Yes."

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