Chapter 22

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Weeks passed and it dawned on me that it had been almost two months since Leighton had captured Blair and I, and one month since we had starting 'dating'. Or whatever.

It wasn't so bad, being here. Our relationship evolved and I felt more comfortable around her. We almost acted like a normal couple.

Last night, we had kissed for the first time. It hadn't been my first kiss but it was Leighton's, and I of course didn't tell her that.

"Babe?" Leighton called out from outside my room.

We had also started calling each other 'babe' and 'baby' recently. I wasn't sure if I liked that. I had never been too fond of the word "baby" or anything like that.

"Come in!" I said.

"We're going to McDonald's tomorrow, Blair and I," she said, walking over to my bed.

"Oh, right," I said. I didn't have much to say, I was too angry.

"Please don't be upset," she said, pouting. "It's going to be quick. It won't be fun at all."

I couldn't tell her I was dying to see the outside world again because I knew she would get angry and accuse me of cheating. She said she wanted me all to herself and she didnt want me to see other girls. She was still sometimes angry when I mentioned Blair's name, but I made it clear that I hated her.

"Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes.

Rolling my eyes at her was a big mistake. She rose, an angry expression written all over her face.

"Do NOT ever give me attitude, Taylor Clair. Do you understand me?"

I don't know how I could be so bold, but somehow, I was not intimidated. "Leighton, I haven't felt the sun's warmth on my skin in weeks! I haven't seen flowers, walked on grass, smelled the air in what seems like forever! I feel like a prisoner, Leighton, and you can't deny that you are treating me like one. In fact, I don't just feel like one, I am one!"

"You should be happy I've given you everything you want! What more could you want? You want to leave me, do you? You can't deny that you hate it here, and you hate me too!" Tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

I rolled my eyes again, beyond annoyed. This angered her more and slapped me in the face with the back of her hand. I was stunned and she slapped me again before I could get back to my senses.

I moaned in pain. She pulled a chair out of my closet with a rope.

"Sit on the chair," she commanded angrily.

"Please don't tie me again," I pleaded. "I'm sorry Leighton, so sorry."

Her eyes softened.

"I'll never argue with you again or try to give you attitude. I'm sorry. You're always right."

She nodded and put the items back to where she took them from. She then left the room without another word, slamming the door behind her.

I punched the wall, putting all my force and anger into the blow. I was fucked up for loving her. She was fucked up and so was I.

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