Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes to discover that I was tied to a chair in a tiny room. The walls were pale blue, and the room looked like a hospital room.

"Oh, you're finally awake, I see." A voice said from behind me.

I turned my head and saw Leighton walking up to me and smiling. I didn't return the smile.

"How are you?"

I rolled my eyes. "What happened?" I snapped, ignoring her question.

She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Well you passed out on the train and I took you here and took really good care of you. You were asleep for half the day."

I wasn't satisfied with her answer. She obviously was the one who had knocked me out. But I decided not to press, so I changed the subject.

"What about Blair? Where is she? She better be okay."

Her eyes glimmered angrily for a second at the mention of Blair's name, but the glint left almost as soon as it appeared.

"Blair's fine." She paused, and smirked. "For now."

"What's going to happen to her?"

"That is none of your business, babe. Now all that matters is that you and I are finally reunited."

Her words made me want to gag. She had just called me babe and told me we were finally reunited. What the fuck did that mean anyways?

"Okay, dude. If you liked me so much, you didn't need to kidnap me. You could've just told me you know. I might have given you a chance. Now... um... I'm not so sure," I said, feeling brave.

She took a tennis racket - yes a tennis racket - and whacked me across the face with it really hard. My cheek was stinging and I glared at her.

"What the fuck was that for?" I yelped.

"You know what. And don't use that tone of voice around me. I'm not someone you can be rude to and get away with it easily, you know," She frowned at me and I flinched.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

She smiled and leaned down and kissed my cheek. I had to stop myself from hurling.

"Why are you doing all this, Leighton?" She raised an eyebrow. "Why did you kidnap me? Why did you suddenly become a psycopath?"
Almost immediately, I regretted my choice of words. I knew I shouldn't have called her that. I winced, waiting for her to beat me up.

But she didn't.

"I just want to be with you," she whispered softly.

"Well, there are other ways to conquer me."

"You don't remember, don't you?"

"Remember what?"

"Your promise? Four years ago?"

A promise? What was she talking about now? She was obviously crazier than I thought.

"Nevermind. It doesn't matter now, since you're with me."

She turned to leave but I put my hand on her arm to stop her.

"At least tell me where Blair is?"

She looked like she was about to hit me again, but seemed to consider it.

And then, she smiled.

"She's nowhere good."

And left.



"Oh hello there, Blair," Leighton said, almost spitting when she said my name.

It was really dark in the room. So dark, I couldn't see anything, not even my own hand. It was also cold - oh man, the cold was what would kill me if Leighton didn't kill me first.

"Did you sleep well?"

I didn't bother answering, she yelled at me when I did anyways.

"What are you going to do to me?" I croaked.

"Nothing, actually. I'm just here to talk to you right now."

"I want water first."

Leighton had knocked me out and locked me into this room for a few hours - or has it already been a day? - and I was really thirsty.

''Max, bring her water," Leighton barked, after a few minutes of silence.

''Alright, Leigh," he answered, before leaving the room.

I had to bite back laughter. Leigh, seriously?

''There. Happy?" she said, after Max returned with the water.

I nodded and watched as she grabbed a chair and sat in front of me.

"You betrayed me," she said, her voice dangerously calm.


"No, don't talk." She snapped. "I asked you to do one simple thing for me, and this is what happens? What happened between you two while you were on the run?"

"Nothing, Leighton."

"Don't fucking lie to me, or I will make you regret it."

"I swear! I just met him, and we were too busy trying to escape. And it's not like we're interested in each other."

"You better not fucking be." She muttered. "Or I'll fucking kill you."

I sighed quietly in relief. So she wasn't going to kill me, after all.

"Don't look so relieved. I'm still going to punish you for what you did."

Fear washed over me. What the fuck was she going to do to me?

"Clea? Kyle?" She said, snapping her fingers.
Who ever Clea and Kyle were, I'm pretty sure they weren't people you'd want to mess with.

A tall, skinny ginger girl and a rodent-looking like guy came in the room and stood beside Leighton.

"Beat her up." Leighton hissed, before leaving the room.


"Enough." Leighton said, suddenly appearing.

I was honestly amazed to find myself alive. Kyle and Clea had punched, kicked and bit me so much, my head felt woozy. I was bleeding and I could barely keep my eyes open.

Everything hurt. My head, my legs, my ribs everything.

I was softly crying. Why did they do this to me? I should be in school right now, not on the verge of death.

Leighton walked up to me and brought her face three inches away from mine and carefully whispered: "Now, do you feel like betraying me again?"

"N-no.." I sobbed.

She smiled. "Good. Because I need you to do something for me. And this time, if you dare betray me again... You will die. And not just you. Your friends and Taylor are going to die too. Do you hear me?"

I gulped and nodded.

I was getting myself in deeper shit.

What a stupid, stupid girl I was.

okay my chapters used to always be 2-4 pages idk what happened i can't seem to be able write long chapters so ya whatever
thanks for reading :))))))))
kk bye :D
-seph xxxx

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