Chapter 6

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I was all over the news. For the fourth time. Okay, they might not know who it was, but they were still technically talking about me. The death of John Clair was all over Global Network, CBC and BBC and everywhere.

"Oh! This is just terrible! Who would do this to Samuel Clair? He was the nicest man! And poor poor poor little Taylor," whimpered Auntie Brooke. She threw the newspaper article across the room.

She looked at me and I nodded, a neutral expression on my face.

It was easy for me to act like I didn't care, because I really didn't. When I first started killing people, I always felt a pang in my chest, I would feel so guilty and I would end up depressed for days. But as I grew up, the more people I killed, the less I felt that lump in my throat. I had become a monster, I didn't have any feelings anymore. Now, my heart turned black, hard as stone and cold as ice.

"I can't believe all this happened last night!" Auntie Brooke added, crying harder. "Nothing happened when you went over there right?"

"Yes. I already told you this! I went, and everything was perfectly normal. How did he die?" I added, sighing.

"They found a bullet in his heart and head. And the woman too! I can't believe this. The killer murdered two innocent souls," she lamented.

"Maybe the killer had a reason," I mumbled.

She walked up to me.

"Do you support what your parents do?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell her that I did, and that I sometimes participated, or she would connect 1+1 and find out that I was the murderer of John Clair and the woman he was banging.

"Good," she said. She sat back down at her previous place. "And would you mind telling me why you're limping?"

Darn. She realized?

"I... last night I fell. My leg hurts but I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Let me take a look."

"No!" I said, standing up quickly.

I suppressed a groan to hide my pain. "I'm okay. I promise," I added, when she shot me a skeptical look.

I go upstairs. When I enter the bathroom, I close the door and examine my injury.

My leg had a long cut, that started at my knees and went all the way down to my ankle.

I could survive. I've had a thousand injuries that were a million times worse than that one.

Now, I needed to concentrate on how to kill my next victim, Jordan Redford. I couldn't kill him now, or the police would suspect that there is a murderer out to get every politician - which, technically was true.

I figured I would wait until everybody gets over John Clair's death, and as soon as they move on completely, I would kill him and I would kill Taylor's girlfriend.

Then, Taylor would be all mine.


Three months passed and everybody seemed to slowly get out of their grief. I spent alot of time with Taylor, and he seemed to heal alot faster than everybody else. I guess he wasn't very close to his dad, seeing as neither of them was ever home.

I wouldn't have to kill his girlfriend after all, because she broke up with him. At last.

Tonight, I was sleeping over at Blair's house and I was going to kill Jordan at the same time. I smirked. This shall be fun. I hadn't shed the blood of anyone in a while, and I was starting to get bored.

I waited three, long agonizing months for this, my plan had to be executed perfectly.

We were in the kitchen, cooking pasta for dinner.

"So, when am I going to meet that hot neighbour of yours?" Blair said, smirking.

"Uhm. Not anytime soon," I retorted.

She pouted. "Why?"

"Because I don't want you to meet him," I turned to face her. "But you will eventually."

She lightened up. Oh silly girl, I thought. He's going to hate you. And me too, but that's okay, because he'll have no choice but to love me soon.

After eating dinner, we watched a movie and then went to bed. It was four-thirty in the morning and I got up. I stayed awake all night, waiting for the right time and this was it. Blair was sound asleep, and she snored extremely loudly.


I took my knife and slipped it in my socks, and snuck out of the room. I stopped when something on the ceiling caught my eye. A security camera.

I went downstairs and found the box that contained all the wires to the cameras. I snapped them all and went on the computer, deleting the footage.

I smirked. This was way too easy for me.

I ran upstairs and walked slowly to Jordan Redford's room. He was snoring loudly.

I opened the door, praying it wouldn't creak.

Thank God, it didn't. Walking up to his bed, I took my knife out of my sock, and chuckled lightly before slashing his neck, his head disconnecting with his body.

"Sweet dreams," I whispered in his ear.

Throwing my knife on the bed, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, then I went outside in the hallway and started screaming. Blair got out of her room quickly, with a panicked look on her face.

"Leighton! What happened?" She squealed, squeezing my hand.

I broke down crying.

"I heard someone so I went to check and no one was there. I looked all over the house and the persone was gone but, your dad-" I cried even harder.

She threw a panicked glance in my direction, then ran to her dad's room. She let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I smiled. I hadn't failed my parents. Now, Taylor would be mine.



Blair's POV next :)


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