Chapter 1

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It was a hot day. The clouds were thick and hiding the sun, making it gloomy out, which affected my mood greatly, and it was already a terrible day for me.

I was alone, making my way towards the dressing room, we had cheer practice tonight for three hours. Needless to say, I wasn't very thrilled about it.

"Hey Blair!"

I turned to see my friend, Elle running towards me.

"Hey, Elle. What's up?" I replied, smiling.

"Have you heard? They found another dead body this morning. He was in his home. Another old man. His name was Tyler Pions."

My mood darkened. I hated hearing about these types of atrocities. "This is the third murder in our city this week... Will it stop?"

"Scary isn't it? There could be a murderer on the loose in our city right at this moment," I nodded silently. She sighed then continued. "I just don't understand, Blair. Why our city?"

I thought about that. Then a theory popped in my head. "Haven't you noticed that all the people that have been killed were all mayors, state senates and politicians?"

"Mr. Mayer wasn't any of that, though."

Mr. Mayer was one of those who were assassinated, and we were all greatly affected by his loss because we all knew him. He was so nice to all of us. His death was the first of many, and I have a strange feeling the murderer went for him first to scare us. The murderer was one of us.

"His son is very close to the President. He has a great job at the office. Don't forget about that."

"Well this murderer doesn't like em, huh? At least we're safe. Unless he decides he or she hates normal civilians too." She chuckled.

"Well, that would be a bummer wouldn't it? Let's stop talking about this. Come on, we have to go to cheer practice."


I got home late, and as soon as I came in I heard my dad screaming my name from his room, upstairs. Rolling my eyes, I dropped my bag and quickly made my way to his room.

"Yes dad?" I said.

"Where we you? You didn't tell me you were going out. If you're going to spend time out, at least give me a heads up and tell me you'll come home late!" He said, angry.

"Dad... it's Thursday. I always come home at this time. Cheer practice, remember?"

He sighed. "Right. I forgot. Sorry. I guess I'm tired, I had a long day at work. But thankfully, I'm leaving my job soon. Will you bring me a cup of coffee?"

"Wait what? You're leaving your job? For what? Why?"

"Didn't I ask you to bring me a cup of coffee? Go and then I'll explain everything to you."

I ran downstairs and saw that coffee was already made, all I had to do was pour it in a cup and add some milk. My dad preferred his coffee bitter, so I didn't add sugar.

I brought the cup upstairs and handed it to him, then sat on the bed, waiting for him to give me more details on his plans.

He was taking his time, though. Tasting, enjoying his coffee which annoyed me. He finished sipping it, then set the cup on the coaster on his night table.

"So, Blair. I was offered a new job today. Mr. Stevens old job, they asked me to replace him now that he's... Well you know," he sighed again. "Anyhow, I accepted the offer so I'm leaving the company. I've always wanted to work in politics so this is, for me, a dream came true." He stopped talking and smiled at the wall, probably thinking about his new job.

I thought about my conversation with Elle. Could the murderer come after my father? Or maybe me? Mr. Mayer was killed too, after all and he was an old man who had retired ten years ago.

The thought made me feel anxious, and my hands started shaking. My father must've noticed, because he asked me what was wrong. "Blair? You don't look very happy about this," he said, frowning in confusion.

"Oh no, I am happy it's just... Never mind. I'm gonna go study, I have a test tomorrow. Good night, dad."

I left the room before he could reply, I didn't want him to keep talking to me and hear my voice crack even more.

I sat on my bed and thought, maybe I was exaggerating? Surely nothing would happen. What did I know anyway? My friends always say I overthink things, and I'm starting to believe they are right.


After grabbing my English textbook, pencil case and agenda, I walked to class with Kenaya and Brielle, two girls on the squad.

I sat at my desk and groaned when I saw Austin walking in my direction. I hated this class because of him. The teacher put us beside each other when we were dating. All he does now is flirt with me, and I frankly find him disgusting.

"Hello, kitten," Austin said, smiling. He poked my nose, playfully.

I slapped his hand. "Don't talk to me, Austin." I mumbled.

"What's wrong? Kitten's not down to play today?" I ignored him. He was such a tool, and wasting my saliva for him was just not an option.

I turned to concentrate on the book I was reading for the class - Lord of the flies. I looked up when I heard the loud thud of a binder thrown on the desk next to me. I saw a brown haired girl, with big green eyes. I had never seen her before, so I assumed she was probably a new student. She didn't look too happy to be here and sat down hard.

My teacher looked surprised by her demeanor but shook it off, and then looked at me. "Blair, this is Leighton. She's new here, coming all the way from Utah. Would you mind helping her settle?"


"I don't need help," she snapped, interrupting me.

"Well if you ever need something you can-"

"I said, I don't need help," Leighton interrupted me again, gritting her teeth.

Austin snorted loudly. "Someone needs a nap."

She threw him a blood chilling glance that shut him up, then rolled her eyes and opened her binder, immediately beginning her work.

Whoever this girl was, she was definitely not a people's person, and I did not want to cross her, ever.


I observed Leighton every day, and felt bad for her. She had no friends and she was having a hard time getting along with people. She didn't seem mean, just looked like she wanted to be left alone, but of course people couldn't do that because everyone always had to be so damn mean. So one day, I decided to try and help her and it worked.

I saw that she was sitting at her lunch table alone and some boys were making fun of her and calling her creepy so I walked over and put them in their place. She seemed to completely ignore my presence so I sat on the chair across from her.

"Hi, Leighton," I smiled at her.

She didn't smile back. "What do you want, Bear?"

I chuckled. "My name is Blair, not Bear."

"Same stupid shit," she said, rolling her eyes.

I ignored her rude comment.

"I hope you won't take anything these guys say personally. They're idiots."

She finally looked me in the eyes. "Frankly, I could not give a rat's ass about what they think or what they have to say about me. They can talk all they want, they'll be the ones losing and paying the price in the end." She finally smiled, and she looked very different. She should definitely do it more often.

"You're right, Leighton," I said, beaming. "Anyways, we have English next, do you wanna go to class together?"

"I guess so," she said. "Guess it's time for me to get out of my shell."

"Indeed it is time."

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