Chapter 12

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The whole day was a blur. Blair wasn't at school so I had no idea where she was and what she was doing. I had a really bad feeling about this. The stupid bitch probably ran away.

As soon as the final bell rang, I ran to my car and zoomed off, almost running into the other ones. Not that I cared.

I parked on Blair's driveway - okay, I actually parked on her lawn but I don't give a shit - and ran to the door, ringing the doorbell twice.

She didn't answer so I busted in.

"Blair?" I called out.

No answer.

"Blair, where the hell are you?" I yelled again.

Rolling my eyes at the silence, I walked up the stairs, kicking her bedroom door open.
No one was in there.

Rage bubbled inside my stomach and I started running everywhere hysterically and kicked every door open.

I drove to Avery's house, Blair wasn't smart enough to memorize the way to her house so she had written down her address and placed it on her bed.

I knocked and rang the door bell several times and she opened the door, looking annoyed.

"Yes?" Fear replaced her annoyance when she saw me. "Um hi Leighton, what're you doing here?"

"Where's Blair?" I snapped.

"I really don't know. I haven't seen Blair since-" Angry, I strangled her until she collapsed on the ground.

Blair and Taylor had run off.

I called her five or six times and my doubts were completely confirmed.

I was so stupid, how could I have trusted this bitch to kidnap Taylor? I should've done it myself. Stupid, stupid girl.

I smirked. Time to give that bitch an unforgettable lesson.

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