Chapter 4

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Dear Leighton,
We're so happy to know that at least you're doing fine. Now that we're sure that you remained dutiful to us, there are some things that we assumed you're old enough to know now.

We work for a man named Wilson Clyde. We know him because he was our best friend back in elementary school. We pledged to each other that we would always have each other's backs and do anything for them, so that is why we started working with him.

The reason why we hate the U.S government is because they took something very important from us, they took our flesh, souls, hearts, bodies and blood. They ripped our families apart, killing our parents and siblings.

Wilson and I were cousins from our mom's side. Our mothers were very close to the queens of England. They were also spies, working for Spain. They found something important, a piece of information that was extremely dangerous. All I can say for now, is that it could have destroyed America. The U.S government found out that they were aware of that top-secret information and killed them. Before dying, our moms told twenty people about the information and told them to remain secret about it, and to never tell anyone that they knew.

One day, two of your uncles, James and Howard - they were part of the 20 people that knew the secret - decided to plot against the government, and use the information they knew as a weapon.

But they weren't smart about it and the enemy realized. They killed James. Howard pretended he didn't know anything and had to go through the lie detector. They found out that he lied, so they killed him and everybody that detained the information.
Twenty people were killed, ten on my family and ten on Wilson's. Our moms, cousins, brothers and uncles.

Before dying, James told me the information in a letter and told me to kill the president's daughter. So I did. But he also told me that I had to kill other people, but I hadn't had the chance to do it yet. Actually, I was plotting their deaths but now that I am behind bars, you will be the one to kill them.
I want you to kill the state senate, John Weiss, who supports the president. We need to get rid of his allies. And the president's close friend, Samuel Clair.
Please do it quick. We need you to quench our thirst for revenge. Nothing else will soothe our burning hearts.

Be quick. And be brave.
- Dad.

I folded the letter in four, and closed my eyes.

I still didn't really understand what was going on, but things were a bit easier to understand.

I had to kill John Weiss and John Clair.

Blair and Taylor's dads.

I didn't care about John, actually, because I didn't really care about Blair. But killing Taylor's dad seemed inhuman. Taylor would hate me forever.

As if you care, I thought to myself. You were planning to kill Taylor's girlfriend.

If Taylor didn't love me anymore, then I was going to force him to.

I had to remain dutiful to my parents, so I was going to do as I was told and avenge my Dad and Wilson's families. I was going to kill Blair and Taylor's dads and I was also going to kill his girlfriend.

And then, I was going to make him love me. Even if I had to torture him for that. Beating him was going to be super easy for me.

I put the letter under my pillow and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey, your friend Blair is at the door," Auntie Brooke said, coming in the kitchen.

I almost choked on my eggs.

Why was Blair here? What did she want? I hung out with her yesterday after school, and now she wanted to hang out in the mornings, right before school as well?

I narrowed my eyes at my aunt. "What does she want?" I snapped, glaring at my scrambled eggs.

"She thought you might want a ride, so she came here to pick you up. I think that's very nice of her. What a good girl she is. She seems like a great friend."

I sighed.

Why did Blair always take care of me? She defended me from her friends. She introduced me to people. Was she a stalker or something? She never got scared of me when I raged in front of her. Everybody at school tries to avoid me, but she still talks to me and insists on having lunch with me.
One time, I asked her if she was scared of me. Then, she started laughing, and she said: "of course not! Why would I be scared of you! It's not like you're going to kill someone."

I didn't say anything after that but I smirked at little. She had no idea of what I was capable of. I have snapped people's necks with my bare hands, stabbed and shot people when I was a little kid. I could do worse things now.

I quickly finished my breakfast and left to meet Blair, in her car.

"Hi," she said, smiling in a friendly way at me.

Blair was so stupid. She should never have tried to befriend me at the first place, she really shouldn't have talked to a stranger. She doesn't know what I could do, and what I already did.

I smirked a little as an idea developed in my head. Since she and her friends were stupid, I would have no trouble in making her help me get to Taylor.

My smirk grew wider. I would kill their fathers, Taylor's girlfriend and she would help me get Taylor back.

Life was good.

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