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8:07am - melissa woke up.. from her ring doorbell going off

Like any other person, Mel panicked and thought of every worse possible scenario in her head.
She leaped out of bed and got her floral robe on and ran downstairs. She looked through the camera-monitor through the alarm system and it was..

Harry Lewis?!

Melissa panicked. She took 3 deep breaths and opened the door..
"Hi Mel, I've felt this ever since we called it quits. I miss you Mel." Harry tried to kiss the horrified girl.
"No Harry, I'm seeing someone.. have you been doing it again?" Melissa noticed.

"Um no?" The boy said questioning.
"Do you have your phone? So I can call CalFreezy to pick you up." Melissa guided him to the dining room.
"Yes." Harry said getting his phone out.

Melissa messaged CalFreezy and MiniMinter in case either of them answer.
Luckily Freezy answered and got to his car. Around 15 minutes Cal arrived to pick his roommate up.
"Sorry Mel.." Cal awkwardly said.

"Maybe lock your flat door next time." The girl rolled her eyes.
And with that the two unwanted men left, Mel thought that there was no point going back to sleep. I mean who could blame her.

Mel made herself some pepper-mint tea and sat at the breakfast bar. She was sort of shaken up, her high ex came from Stratford to Kensington.. how did he go that distance?

Anyway Ben messaged Mel asking if he could come over, Ben needed to confess his feelings..
But Mel was oblivious to what Ben was thinking about.


11:30am - ben knocks on the door

Ben knocked on the door 3 times, and stood off the doorstep. Mel came to the door and greeted Ben brightly.
"Hi Mel." Ben smiled.

Ben and Mel walked to the living room and sat down on opposite ends of the sofa. Mel looking out the window to the back-garden, whilst Ben was looking at the young girl.

"Mel, I came here to talk to you. I want to confess something.." Ben stuttered.
"Oh. Do you want me to sit next to you?" Mel answered nervously.

"Look, when we met. I found you amazing, good-looking and down to earth. I wanted to say this because I think I love you.." Ben said fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt.
"Ben.. I don't know what to say. I've had a little crush on you when we met, them late night chats. I really thought that I'd like you.. and I guess that I do too." Mel gushed her feelings.

"How about we see each other for a month or two before we make it official..?" Ben suggested.
"Yeah, that's good." Mel grinned.
Mel and Ben hugged lovingly.

"I guess it's too soon to say "I love you"?" Ben jokingly asked.
"Hmm.. yes but I love you." Mel giggled against Ben's chest.

how cute


1:35pm - 'bel' are dancing in the living room

"Alexa, play my 90s playlist." Mel called out to the Alexa.

They started dancing and laughing.

Ben spun Mel around and her pulled her to his chest.
"I never knew you could dance." Ben whispered.
"There's a lot that you don't know Mr Chilwell." Mel smirked.


The pair got tired and sat on the sofa, Mel fell asleep lying on Ben's lap.
Ben was playing with her hair, he could get used to this.
He felt his girl stir, but she was still flat out.


Melissa woke up and asked how long she was out for.
"About an hour and 15 minutes." Ben answered brightly.
"I'm hungry, can we order something?" Melissa pouted.

They ordered a Nando's and it came fairly quick.
Mel ordered the sunset burger and Ben ordered the grilled chicken wrap.
They must have been hungry as the food got devoured in 10 minutes.

"I loved that burger!" Mel said loudly.
"I know you did." Ben laughed at her childishness.
Melissa rubbed her belly whilst moaning,
"I'll pay next time Ben." Mel mumbled.

Benjamin denied but laughed because of the way Mel was sat.
"You're not going to be sick are you?" Ben spoke.
"No I'll be fine. But if I am, will you hold my hair?" Mel spoke back.
Ben nodded and laid back on the reclined sofa wanting Mel to lay on his chest.

She got the hint and laid down in his arms.
They talked until Melissa fell asleep.


a/n - this kind of took a while for me to come up with
i hope it's enough for you, i've been kind of anxious about going back to school

love from katie xo

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