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Ben turns the pregnancy test over...
He reads the result, and immediately smiles.

"We're having a baby!" Ben whispered.
"Oh my gosh!" Mel screamed, jumping onto Ben.
Tears streamed from both of their faces.

"How far along are we?" Mel squealed.
"It says 2 months!" Ben hugged the pregnant woman.
Mel kissed Ben on the lips, whispering "I love you so much handsome."

The two left the bathroom, and took pictures to announce to followers.
"We need to tell my mum and dad, and yours obviously. I'm going home tomorrow, I was kind of planning on showing my mum and dad you but the pregnancy announcement..." Mel giggled still excited at the fact her dreams have come true.
"Of course we can darlin'." Ben hugged his girlfriend again.

The couple went to bed, Ben rubbing his sleeping girlfriend's belly.
"Hiya baby, you can't hear me but I love you so much already. You will bring me and your mummy together. When we meet I'll be over the moon." Ben whispered, not knowing she was awake.

Melissa smiled, she thought that he was being so cute.
"I'm sure the baby loves you too." Mel smiled, kissing Ben's cheek.
"Oh so you don't love me?" Ben acted hurt.
"Of course I love you." Mel smiled as she kissed his lips.

Melissa fell asleep, Ben had many thoughts running through his head.
'What if the baby doesn't make it?'


"Morning Benny." Mel smiled, yawning straight after.
Mel got herself dressed in some casual clothes, after she got dressed she packed extra clothes for both of them.
Oh and the pregnancy tests...

"Morning gorgeous girl." Ben whispered into her curled hair.
"Are you ready to announce the pregnancy?" Mel smiled.
"As ready as I'll ever be."

Once Ben got dressed, the couple had some breakfast and then went to Mel's car.
Mel loaded up her Spotify playlist and headed onto the A-road.

"Babe, we're nearly there." Mel glanced over at her boyfriend.
"I'm starting to get a bit nervous..." Ben held Mel's hand over the gearbox.
"You'll be fine, I'll be there with you."


they arrived...

Mel knocks on the white door...
"Hiya darlin'," Mel's dad hugged his daughter.
"Hi dad. This is Ben." Mel looked behind her, smiling at Ben.
"Hiya Ben, hope ya' treating my daughter right."
Ben nodded, Mel knew that he was being a little shy.

The couple went through to the beige lounge.
"Hiya love, and hiya Ben." Debbie got up to hug both of them.
Mel looked and saw her Auntie Jodie, her brother and her nanny and granddad.

"My gorgeous girl, you've grown!" Her nanny, Maggie, hugged Melissa.
"How are you princess?" Maggie's husband, Arthur, asked his granddaughter.
"I'm good thanks granddad. Meet Ben!" Mel smiled.
Mason looked bored, occasionally sending fake smiles to Mel.

The family, and Ben, sat in the lounge talking about everything.
"Me and Ben need to talk," Mel took a hold on Ben's hand.
The two got to Mel's childhood bedroom...
"You're going to ask me when we should announce.." Ben whispered, in case Mason or any of her family were overhearing.

Mel nodded.
"I do love you, ya' know." Mel kissed Ben's lips.
"Love ya' more." Ben smiled.
"Let's go downstairs, have you got the tests?" Mel asked her boyfriend.
Ben nodded, Mel opened the door to go downstairs.

"Guys we've got something to tell you all... but you can't tell anyone else." Mel stood in front of the fireplace, fidgeting with her rings.
"You're engaged!" Debbie shouted, getting excited.
"Mum shush," Mason said to their mum.

"Well me and Ben are... expecting a baby!" Mel grinned.
"I'm going to be a nanny!" Debbie squealed, getting up to hug the couple.
Mason didn't get it until his dad told him, "Mase you're going to be an uncle."
"Wait what?" Mason got up to hug his sister and his best mate.

"How far along are you dear?" Maggie asked her granddaughter.
"2 months nanny." Mel side hugged her nanny.
"Congratulations Mel." Maggie kissed her cheek.
Mel smiled.

The Mount / Rossi family (and Ben) had a Chinese takeaway, and laughed the night away.
"Bye nanny, bye granddad." Mel hugged her elderly grandparents.
"See you soon love, send my love to Ben." Maggie kissed Mel's blushed cheek.
"See ya' soon princess." Mel's granddad kissed her forehead.
Mel's aunt left after the elderly couple.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight guys." Debbie yawned, kissing her children's heads.
Once she got to the master bedroom, the remaining four remained downstairs.
"Anyone up to Eastenders?" Stephen suggested to the young adults.
"Sure." Mason opened his phone to scroll on Instagram.

The Eastenders theme tune came on, Stephen popping up on the screen.
"Wait what I didn't realise you were in this Stephen." Ben looked to him.
Mel and Mason laughed at Ben.
"Well son I'm in a lot of things..." Mr Rossi grinned.

After that episode, Mel went upstairs to get ready for bed.
"Night Mase, night dad," Mel kissed her dad's cheek.
Melissa looked at herself in the full body mirror, rubbing her small bump.
"I love you so much darlin', you are so perfect." Ben appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm tired, can we go to bed?" Mel yawned, stretching her arms.
"Of course gorgeous." Ben put his sweatpants on and took his top off.

"It's weird being in your childhood bedroom ya' know." Ben whispered to his girlfriend.
"To think I spent all my time in here daydreaming about my crushes, and now I'm back here with you is mind blowing." Mel stared at the ceiling.
"Aye who was your crushes?"
"Zac efron, the jonas brothers, one direction, jls, the list goes on..." Mel thought before answering.
"Fairs." Ben laughed.

Mel fell asleep soon after that, holding her belly.



nearly 1k words!
an instagram based chapter out basically as soon this is up
hope you had a great day

love katie xox

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