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Mason was ringing her doorbell...

Mel opened the wooden door, "Mase what are you doing here?' she asked.
"You're going to tell me why you were upset earlier or I'm not leaving." Mason towered over his sister.
"Fine if you really want to know." Mel walked through to the living room.
"I swear to God if he's done something to you..." Mason muttered under his breath.

Melissa began to explain why she was upset, "see he didn't do shit." Mel smirked.
"Oh, but why didn't you tell meat his?"
"Mase, I can tell you anything when I'm ready."
"Yeah, I know that." Mason nodded.

Mason stayed a bit longer, partly so he can have quality time with his sister.
"I miss this ya' know, like us just spending time which each other," Mason whispered.
"I'm going back to Portsmouth on the weekend, I'm planning on showing Ben to mum and dad." Mel yawned.
"Go to sleep Melly," Mason told her.

And so she did.


"I think I'm going to throw up..." Mel ran to the downstairs bathroom.
Mason followed her, he held her hair back whilst she was throwing up.
"Do you want me to call Ben?" Mason asked his 'poorly' sister.
"No! Can you ask Dani and Talia?" Mel wiped her mouth with some toilet paper.
Mason messaged them both from his sister's phone.

"They're coming as we speak, do you want some water?" Mason asked patting Mel's back.
"Yeah please." Mel groaned, grabbing her stomach.
The boy ran to the kitchen to get a glass until he heard gagging.
"Mel you're not right..." Mason crouched, looking at his older sister.

Mel's best friends arrived, they rushed into the bathroom.
"Babe, how long have you felt like this?" Dani gushed, holding Santiago on her hip.
"Since this morning?" Mel questioned her friend.
"Let me know if you feel like this tomorrow, I'll come round."
"Count me in too," Talia agreed.

The girls caught up, Mason sat there awkwardly.
"I best be going, Mel," Talia announced, "bye, Mason, Mel and Dani!" she tickled Santiago on the way out.
Melissa rubbed her belly, "maybe I'm just ill."
Dani glanced at her, then at Mason.

A short time later, Dani and Santiago left.
"Do you want me to go, or get Ben, or what?" The young Mount stood up, stretching his muscles.
"Can you stay till Ben comes?" Mel followed his movements but went to the bathroom 8nstead.

"Ben? Yeah, Mel wants you to come round. She's in the bathroom that's why I'm calling you from her phone." Mason called Ben, whilst he was pacing.
"Mel! Ben's on his way."
"Alright!" Mel shouted out from the bathroom.

Mel's boyfriend arrived at the house, "babe?" he called out.
"In the living room," Mel called out.
"Bye Mel, bye mate." Mason left the house.

"Why did you want me here?" Ben was baffled.
"Well... I've been throwing up since this afternoon," Mel said.
"And it's now, what? 9 o'clock?" Ben checked the time.
Mel nodded, tears testing her.

"Baby, it can't be from last night... It must be from a month or something ago." Ben trying to remember the last time they had it.
"Well I'm 2 weeks late, so it can not be yesterday..." Mel stated, with a tear rolling down her blushed cheek.
"Darlin', how about tomorrow we go out and get a test?"
"Uh yeah, yeah." Mel choked.

"Darls, come 'ere." Ben opened his arms for the anxious girl.
Mel sobbed her eyes out onto Benjamin's sweatshirt.
Ben was close to tears, not only because his girlfriend could be pregnant but she's upset.
"It is alright, I promise." Ben comforted the girl.

"Can we not just order one from like Amazon? Or kike get someone to get us one?" Mel coughed.
"Don't deliveroo deliver groceries and essentials now?" Ben got his phone open to search.
"I think. I'm sorry for ruining your jumper." Mel wiped her eyes with her jumper cuffs.

"Alright someone is delivering them, I ordered us some sweets and chocolate as well baby." Ben hugged the shuddering girl tighter.


the delivery man knocked on the door...

Mel removed herself from Ben's arms, so he can answer the door.
"Thanks, babe." Ben sarcastically stated, walking to the door.
"Here's your delivery, have a good night." The delivery man handed the bag to Ben.
"Thanks mate, you too!" Ben smiled, shutting the door.

Been walked through to the lounge, handing Mel some smarties to distract her mind.
"Thanks, handsome." Mel smiled, opening the packet.
Once Mel ate the smarties, Ben asked her if she was ready to take the pregnancy test.
"I think I am, but please can you come j. With me?" Mel's hands were shaking.

The couple went to the bathroom, Mel took the test.
"Put it facing down, then we don't see it." Ben held his girlfriend's hands.

3 minutes passed...
The most excruciating long 3 minutes...

Ben's phone alarmed, indicating that 3 minutes has been up...
"Can you then it over?" Mel quivered, sat on the closed toilet.
With that, Ben turned the test over.

Not pregnant?


a long chapter today, as I wanted to include the pregnancy test

what do you think it'll say..?

love from katie xo

(ps. check out boyfriend if you haven't already!)

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