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"good morning gorgeous,"

Melissa started to stir in her sleep, indicating to her boyfriend that she's waking up.
Not too short after 5 minutes she woke up, feeling the tight arms around her.
"Good morning gorgeous," Ben whispered into her messy hair.

"I thought you left after I went to sleep." Mel rubbed her eyes, feeling left over tears.
"Oh, I won't stay again then." Ben joked, kissing Mel's cheek.
"No please," she pouted, "anyway good morning handsome."

They stayed spooning for an extra half hour, before Melissa whined about being hungry.

"Since you love me.. please can you get me some breakfast?" Mel pleaded jokingly.
"Fine, but if I do that.. you can make my tea." Ben held out his pinky finger.
The two agreed on it, and then Ben went downstairs.
Mel went to the bathroom and did her mini skincare routine.

Mel could smell the toast and coffee travelling throughout her townhouse.
She readjusted her stolen hoodie, from her brother, and went back to bed.
"I'm back darl," Ben stated, walking into the girl's bedroom.
Mel loved toast, with any topping. From Nutella to salmon, she'll eat it.

She was stuffing her face, in a not so cute away..
Ben laughed, "you're enjoying that, aren't you pretty."
Mel laughed, even through them like 800 butterflies in her stomach.
She stopped to drink her warm coffee, Ben smiling lovingly at her.

Chilwell has found himself thinking how he got so lucky getting a girl like Mel, well the only Mel.
It's not like Mel hasn't thought about how she got lucky with Ben, but she just thought that they'd be just a 'friends with benefits' type of thing.
Shit. They'll have to tell Mason, and their friends..

Mel had thought of the perfect way to tell her friends, not Mason or her parents.
Why is this like telling people that she's pregnant?

"When do you actually want kids?" Mel asked curiously, "like I know we've talked about it but like when?"
Ben thought about it, "I'd like to get 'pregnant' once engaged and then get married at least when they're 2 or else 3." Mel nodded.
"Would you have kids with me, I know we've only been together for a short time but.." Ben continued.

"I think I would, well we're only 23 and 24. We still have a few more years. But I'd like to keep our relationship at least out of the public eye, not like J-Lo and Ben Affleck." Mel giggled.
Ben laughed, agreeing with his girlfriend.

"Right that's my breakfast, I've had it," Mel patted her belly "I'm full," she pouted along.
"You shouldn't have swallowed it down then." Ben pulled her to his lap, placing a kiss on her lips.
'I do love her,' Ben thought to himself.


a bunch of hotties 💋

olivia 💞: like my recent tiktok hotties x

byron 💸: already have babe x

dani 💘: you're literally so gorgeous i cannot 😍

tal 🔥: ^^^

mel <3 :  guys.. i have something to tell you

byron 💸: you and ben are dating ! i bet

dani 💘: don't assume that!

mel <3 : well he's right..

tal 🔥: WHAT ? !
delivered at 10:48am.


Mel's friends we're excited to say the least, this is the most 'drama' that's happened in a long time.
"I just told my best friends, about us." Mel's anxiety was spiking from what Ben'll say.
"That's great!" Ben smiled, taking hold of his girlfriend's hand. Reassuring she's alright.

"Mason is coming over mine later, you're coming so we have the perfect time to tell him," Ben stated.
"Can you do the talking?" Mel mumbled, looking down.
"Of course I will darlin'." Ben whispered to his love.

A few hours later

"I've got all my stuff I want to use tonight, even my pyjamas!" Mel giggled like a teenage girl.
"How long are you staying for?" Ben jokingly asked, "come on let's go babe."
They walk out to Ben's car, Mel locking the door as ben carries her handbag.
"Nice bag Benjamin, where'd you get it?" Mel laughed

"Uh.. from Ted Baker." Ben guessed.
"It suits you, give us a walk!" Mel clapped.
Ben strutted his stuff round the small front garden, but stopped when a middle aged 'Karen' was walking past.

They duo giggled once they got to the car.
Mel looked out the window and they were going past her ex's apartment block, she knew she went pale.
"You alright beautiful? You've gone right pale like you've seen a ghost.. you can tell me anything you know that babe." Ben glanced at the frozen girl.

"Oh uhm, that apartment block is where my ex and half of his mates live or lived. I'm guessing Mase hasn't told you much about him. I'll tell you another time." Mel tried to distract herself from the flashbacks.
"Oh darl, you're better than that. Your future self won't benefit from you thinking about your past." Ben quoted something he heard on the tv a while ago.

The two soon got to Ben's place with no talking, Mel wanted to release them tears so bad.
She figured that she's just going to come across sensitive towards Ben, who she really had feelings for.
She wiped them away whilst Ben went somewhere.

Hopefully when Mason comes over it'll be all good...


a/n - i feel so bad for not posting for literally 2/3 weeks

i was also watching the eng v andorra game whilst writing, 5-0 to us <33

love katie xo

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