Chapter 2

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AN: some of these chapters may be told from Anthony's perspective.

I wish I could have known how fortunate I was. Had I known that the next day would be the first day of the rest of my life I would have just taken every moment in. Every moment that we were all together and happy... without a care in the world. Or at least thats how it was for me and Elena as children. My father very well could have just been wearing a mask of emotions, not wanting to reveal to us what was really happening... what was going to happen. The next day would be the first day of me losing it all. On paper any other agent would observe that it all went downhill when I came in contact with... him. And.. her. While they did take away most of who I was, they weren't responsible for this part of my life.

When we arrived back home I remember Elena bursting through the door, eager to tell Mama about what she did and about the injury she took. They embraced and she told Elena how proud of her she was. That of course didn't make me feel any better. In fact it took me out of the humble mood I was in and made me envy her. When I think about that now it sounds quite stupid... one of the world's most feared beings, ticked off by a girl and her fishing skills. Fortunatly I had recalled what I was told earlier that day and container my anger. I just remained quiet and showed our mother the fish I skinned.

"Have fun?" Aleks had came from behind and clasped a hand on my shoulder.

"Yea, Papa showed me how to skin a fish." I did try my best to sound content with my "accomplishment" as my mother had reffered to it.

"Ah yes! Quite the good work Mr. Petrov. Not one single scale left." Aleks smiled and took the small bucket I was struggeling to lift to show him. I watched him walk into the kitchen with the food that we were to eat later that night.

My mother walked over to me, seeing me stuck in a trance as I stared at the floor.

"I didn't catch a thing.." I remeber saying that to her. I just couldn't hold it in much longer. Tears fell down my face when she kneeled down, facing me, trying not to let Elena see. She knew how embarrasing I thought it to be caught crying, especially by your own sibling.

"It's ok. Anthony.." If caring were a person it was my mother. Her voice always soothed me. It was as if the wall of a dam were to shatter, tears would just flow, sometimes uncontrollably, but not always... I may have had my moments but I can assure you I was not an emotional little brat. But the moment my mother spoke to me its as if the water stopped flowing. It dried up, like it never happened and everything stopped, it went away.

"Don't you know that a gun cannot fire unless it has a bullet? And a bullet cannot soar through the air if there is no gun? Just like your father and I. We couldn't have any money if he never went out and worked as a bussiness man. And our home would never be in order if Aleks and I were never here to shape it." I'm sure my eyes were red from crying just as they were a few years ago. I looked at her not fully grasping what she was telling me.

"The point is, is that it doesn't matter if Elena catches one fish, two fish, or even a million fish!" She smiled at me. "..if there is nobody with the stomach strong enough to skin it. I know I surely couldn't do it. Anthony, you helped give us food on our plates for tonight. Otherwise we would probably end up eating leather shoes and grass." She joked.

That was enough to get a laugh and smile out of me. She hugged me as she wiped the tears from my eyes, and the stickyness from my cheeks.

Dinner had proceeded as normal. Talk, laugh, eat, and then go upstairs and play while Mama and Papa relaxed for a bit before bed.

We were upstairs playing in my room when I decided to run down stairs to ask Papa if he could tell us a story. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard them talking. I hugged the wall close, letting the shadows hide me in the darker edges of the living room. I was curious to hear about their conversation, hoping Papa wouldn't tell of my incident from earlier that day. Of course he did. Just like any good parent would.

"Well I wonder where he gets it from?" Mama joked.

"You and your side of the family of course, the only difference is, is that he really can't control it sometimes."

"I know dear. He came to me earlier when you got home, a rush of tears. Poor boy, so upset about not catching a single fish." She sounded sympathetic.

"I just... well we know what happened to your father and the temper he had."

"But Anthony doesn't really have a temper issue. He's just... he doesn't know what to do with his emotions some times.. he's only a boy."

"Yes, but I just don't want that to be an issue when he's older. Especially if ever decides to go into service."

"I don't see that happening, you know he has your knack of building things. He's still searching for parts to make that race car." I heard her chuckle.

"Yes yes, I know."

He began to talk to her about Perseus. What exactly they discussed and the decision he came to. My mother of course began to cry. I tried my best not to either. At the time I didn't understand exactly all the big words they used but I knew that if my mother was crying then it was reason enough for me to. But I did understand enough that we weren't going to see Papa for a little while. I just didn't know that little while was going to be a long while. I saw her shadow from the lab hug him and continue to cry. I couldn't listen to it anymore. So I ran back upstairs and quickly dried my tears so Elena wouldn't see. It was bad enough I was upset, it would be the end of the world if Elena had started to cry.

" I think we should get to bed now." I suggested, picking up our toys.

"But Mama and Papa haven't come up to tell us goodnight yet." Elena groaned.

"No. But they will in a few moments. Tomorrow we can go and look for more parts for the race car." I tried to take her mind off of going to bed early, hoping she wouldn't ask me why I gave the suggestion. Luckily she didn't. We told each other goodnight and watched as she went to her room beside mine.

A few moments later my father came into my room. I could tell something was about to happen by the dissapointed look on his face. "Wheres Mama?" I asked him, worried and concerned.

"Shes talking with your sister." He said softly, sitting on the edge of my bed. I waited for what seemed like centuries for him to say something as he held a glare at the floor, slowly fiddeling with his hands. I can only assume he was trying to figure out how he was going to tell me. His respense was no different from any other parent who had to leave for an abundant amount of time.

"I have to go away for a little while.." How original. Its not what I thought then but looking back it's what I should've said. In the moment tears slowly fell down my face. I wasn't sobbing, rather releasing leftover tears from earlier. I looked up at him, only one question in mind.

"Why?" I asked.

"For work. I have some urgent last minute calls. I am sorry Anthony.." he said it as if he were about to
go off into war. Of course he somewhat was but I didn't know that. I didn't exactly know what he was doing that had me and Mama all upset anyways.

"Just be safe.. please." I spoke a lump in my throat. I was to scared to ask when he'd be back or what he was doing. I had liked to think he was off, doing whatever bussiness men do. Certainly not risking their lives, thats what!

"I will, take care of your mother and sister for me. When I get back maybe I can help you finish building that race car of yours." He gave a sad smile.

I hugged him tight. He did something that I struggle to do. He walked away and didn't look back, didn't even freeze. I still wonder, how long did it take him to master that?

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