Chapter 19

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You've read the reports. You think you know everything that happened. I thought I did too. I beleived I had friends and people I could trust. A name that was mine. A life that I had lived, and memories that followed. I'm not sure what lies were written in those reports, how polluted with them they may or may not be. I'm not the one who filed them. Sims was responsible for that, who might I mention, answered and collaborated with Adler to get the greenlight to write down and file. The actual report never even had mention of an Alexi or Alistair. Why would it, with the man soon to be dead and his son practically a ghost on paper. Quite an intelligent move. So forget about what you read because in the actual report our teams turned out to be a bit different.

CIA Safehouse

Bell shut the door to the safehouse behind him. He walked back to his desk and decided to continue working until they got ready to leave. Looking to his right he saw his two teammates watching a football game on the new couch Sims ordered in recently, sodas in hand. Shifting glances, he noticed Adler working on something at his own table in the middle.

Bell was about to listen to his music when the telephone rang and Sims called for Adler.

"Hey Doc, I think you want this one." Sims held the phone to his chest.

"Collections?" He spoke as if it meant something more.

"You bouncin checks again?" He joked.

"I'll take it back here." Adler walked towards the room behind Sims' desk.

Bell watched intently through the glass window as Adler picked up the phone. He couldn't help but grow curious.

"Adler." He said. There was a silent pause, the other person must have been talking. "Well thats one perspective, I thought it went pretty damn well." Adler said proudly.

"What? You think everythings about you now?" Sims caught him snooping around in Adler's bussiness.

"What? An oddball like that won't answer a phone call in a room full of allied agents and you don't wana know?" Bell defended himself, a rather compelling point.

Sims only shrugged and returned his attention back to the papers infront of him.

"What did you think would happen with him?" Adler shot back, holding some sort of tube with liquid in it? Bell couldn't make out the object from the angle at his desk. "You always did have the most remarkable sense of humor." He said sarcastically, pacing around the room.

A drug perhaps? Or could it be a bag full of ammo to some sort of prototype weapon Sims wanted to suprise everyone with? What was in that brown leather bag? It was itching at his mind.

"Right." Adler agreed. "Don't worry we're stocked. I've got enough to last at least a couple of months." Enough rations? Weapons? Ammo? What was it that Adler didn't think needed to be discussed around everyone else?

"Did you just call me an optomist?" He sounded offended

If there was ever a time where Adler left to run an errand, it could be his perfect opportunity to look inside that bag.

"Bye." He hung up on the mystery contact, seeming a little frustrated but shaking it off as he walked out of the room. He placed the bag underneath table before shutting the door to the office behind him.

Bell was quick to divert his eyes back to his own workspace as he walked out. He let things sit for a moment before he got up from his seat and approached the older man.

"Nice work producing that name Bell." Adler complimented him.

"Thanks. The intel from DaNang, it was archived?"

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