Chapter 9

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October, 1969
Bunker #: Classified

Kastosiva was very different back then than it would see to be in another thirteen years or so. The bunks had still long been built underground, but there were barley any buildings around the citied area.

When had had began to awaken, he could feel someone's shoulder going up and down, into his stomach. Giving his eyes a moment to adjust, he realised one of the soldiers must have been carrying him. He looked up to see two more escorts behind him, their weapons secured.

"You can put me down now..." Anthony mumbled.

"See the flight wasn't so bad." Perseus turned around to greet the younger man. Their footsteps richoched off the concrete walls.

"We are.. inside an underground bunker?" He asked, joining Perseus along in his stride.

"Yes, our most secure facility along with the few other bunkers, not far from here." He led him to his quarters. "Inside you will find a uniform lying on your bed along with a few other clothes. When you are finished your escort will take you to my office. Be quick, brefing is in fifteen." He clasped a hand on his shoulder. Congradulations Comrade Petrov, you have done what most people thought you never would. He walked away, turning the corner.

He went inside the small room. The room had no windows of course, but it did have a nice desk in the center of the room towards the back, against the wall with a lamp lit on it. He walked over to his bed to find a a pair of jeans, a dark red turtle neck, and a tan colored jacket with a sherpa lining around it. Next to it he found a pair of boots and gloves, and the most eye catching accessory of all, a red balaclava and a silver mask to cover the too area of his face. Beside his bed, he had a small thin locker, filled with uniforms and street clothes suitable for different kinds of weather. This was far nicer than anything he had ever worn back at his training camp. Quickly dressing himself in the clothes from his bunk he looked over to realise there was another bed across the room. The nightstand beaide the other bed already seemed to be occupied.

"This way." The soldier said to him as he stepped out of his quarters.

"Go ahead inside, he is waiting." The man said, extending his arm towards the double wooden doors of Perseus' office. He opened the door to see a giant table with five men seated at the glossy wooden table. Perseus being the one seat at the end of the table in the middle, greeted him. "Just in time. Stand along side Commander Kuzmin." Anthony saw Stotch standing on Perseus' right, so he decided to go stand on the brown haired man's right, opposite of Stitch.

"Comrades, I have gathered us all here today not only to discuss our next mission but to introduce this organization's newest asset. Aldrich, Volkov, Kadivar and Rudnik, I would like to introduce to you Agent Anthony Petrov."

Anthony nodded at them all, recognising Kadivar from the day they had all come to observe him and the others. These were the group of men that had him very curious. After all Kadivar was the one who shoved him back into the fight that day. "It is a pleasure comrades." He said politly.

"Welcome." Volkov said with a fake smile.

"Anyways our next mission, may not concern all of you but I can assure you I brought you all here for a purpose, even if it isn't the same mission." He stood up, a file in his hands. "Kuzmin, you and your team along with Kardivar will be responsible for snuffing out the mole within Kardivar's terroist group. We have narrowed it down to a few but running an "operation" will confirm any final suspicions we may have. Whoever they are, they have been responsible for aiding small CIA outposts with the little info they can obtain about us. The idea is to allow the soldiers think this is an ordinary operation. We will land in Afghanistan with alerts of "stolen intel" in the hands of the enemy. Kuzmin your team along with out suspected men will lead an assault on an American safehouse. I have one of my men already in possession of the "stolen intel"." He handed Stitch the file, showing sattalite images and profiles. "Once you arrive, continue inside. Whichever man does not seem to "find" the breif case containing this intel should be eleminated immidiatly." He looked at the three of them.

"Yes sir." they replied

"Good, you three, gear up. Good luck." Perseus gave them a nod before the trio headed for the office doors. "Now, as for the rest of you..." Anthony heard Perseus begin to say before the doors shut behind him.

"I suggest a change of attire Petrov, this will be a night op, not a fashion show." Stitch was already getting on his nerves. "Kardivar have your men ready, I will have mine. We leave in ten." The man marched away to gather the remaining of his squad.

Once they were all geared up, everyone loaded into the military plane. The team wasn't nearly as large as he had imagined, but most of these elite super top of the line secret forces weren't. To his left sat Stitch and to his right seated Kardivar. Across from him sat two new people ha hadn't met yet.

"You must be the new guy?" Anthony looked to see the man's long brown hair. He wore a vest, equipped with many instruments as well as necessary ammunitions.

"Yea." Anthony shook his head.

"Ortega, although some people refer to me as 'Fuze'." He eyed Anthony skeptically. "Whats yours?"

"Anthony, Petrov." He said simply.

"No call sign?"

"No, I don't exactly wake up in the morning thinking "Stitch" or "Fuze" is a kickass name you know." He smiled.

"Funny guy. I hope we get along." Ortega chuckled.

He could feel Stitch give him a dangerous galre from the corner of his eye. It put a smile on his face to see his superior discouraged.

"Your a brave soul Petrov." The man beside Ortega said.

"And your name?" He asked the other man.

"Let's just leave it at Jackal." He said firmly. "And careful about what you say around the commander, I would hate to see you leave as soon as you came."

"I can take care of myself. Besides, Commander Kuzmin his punches are well.... pathetic." Anthony wanted to have a bit of fun taunting the man beside him.

Stitch turned and before Anthony could say another word he felt Stitch's fist against his jaw. His head slammed into the metal wall behind him. His world was slighlty spinning.

"Quit, we don't have time for this. Whatever history you two may have, because it certainly seems like something is there, drop it. Perseus has given us a task, let it be more valuable than your petty differences." Ortega shouted at them. Kardivar and his men watched, silently.

Not long after they arrived a few miles away from the safehouse.

"Petrov." Kardivar called for the young man as they walked off the ramp of the plane. "I hear your quite close with our boss."

"Perseus?" Anthony asked.

"Yes. Rumors spread fast. They say he hand picked you, that you simply just walked into a position."

"I don't think it matters how I got here. But know that I bled enough to be here, and that's not changing."

"Don't count on it." He said, shoving Anthony with his shoulder before walking away.

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