Chapter 13

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I've been over this already, I could care less to dive back into those details. You should know how terribly this night went. Arash Kadivar. I don't know why I didn't see it coming sooner. How could I be so stupid? He left me for dead. It should have stayed that way! I wish it did, wish it could have. But Adler being as stuborn and desperate as he is thought otherwise.

Now this, I never mentioned what it felt like in the moment. The image of seeing a bullet soar through the air, causing many to set their weapons off, its burned into my brain. I waited for all the vehicles to speed off before I used my remaining strength to try and sit up to see if the driver was still alive. He wasn't and I had wasted my energy for nothing. I looked down, the blue folder now stained with my blood, a perfect handprint. It had vital info on our mission most likely my name and a few others, giving away my position and who I reported to. I didn't think I was going to make it out alive but if I did (which I did unfortunatly) then that folder would tell my captors exactly who I worked for. There was no lying my way out of this. But that doesn't mean it couldn't be done.

I had blacked out for a little while, couldn't have been long because thats when Adler found me.

"A live one." He called me.

When he picked me up over my shoulder I screamed in agony. His arm pushing deep into my bullet wounds. Mason had grabbed the file while Woods opened up the other door to confirm the dead driver.

The last thing I remember is the cold floor of the heli they laid me in as we took off. It was freezing.

When I awoke... I was in that stupid bed. IV's running through my arms, bandages I could feel wrapped tight around my wounds. From what I remember hearing it had been the first time I had awoken in a few days.

I could feel their eyes on me the moment I opened mine and gained consciousness.

"I'll admit, I didn't expect him to recover so fast." Adler's words rang through my head, echoing. Banging in my ears like a long concrete tunnel.

"When do we start?" Park was asking when they could take me off these wires and bandages. When they could begin the real work.

"Give him two or three more days. I want him healed, but only enough so that we won't kill him."

Fastforward three days later. How generous Adler was to give me an extra day. I stared at that red door on the third day, waiting for someone to walk through it. I wanted to get this over with.

Alder walked through it, the gaurds leaving the room as he entered. He pulled up a chair right next to me and sat.

"This can be really easy for the both of us you know. Or you can make this more difficult than it needs to be. Just tell me where your boss is and you'll walk out of here alive." His aviators looked right through me.

"I'm going to make you work for this one. This intel proves too good for you not to earn it. But you won't, so you should just kill me now." His fire amused me. It puts a rather smug smile on my face. My laugh only resulted in him walking out, no emotion on his face. The gaurds came back inside and began removing the IV's and stood me up. We began our stroll down the hallway.

I hadn't realized how stupid the Americans could be until this point. I tossed their arms back and did what I thoroughly enjoyed, cause a scene.

If there are any reports about my time at the CIA left, they probably didn't include this part. Why would they? It wouldn't be a great look if a top secret Perseus agent nearly evaded capture and interrogation within the first five minutes of really being concsciouss.

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