Chapter 24

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Feb 27. 1981

"Now this is why I love my occupation!" Bell had a smile on his face as he gunned down all the enemy Reds using the turrent on the tank.

"Adler missed out on this!" Lazar cheered through comms, shooting from inside the big metal force.

"Move out of the way next time!" Woods scolded the two soldiers that were crushed beneath the bottom of the tank.

"Do you think Adler and Park will let us keep the tank?" Bell asked as he continued to fire rounds into the enemies.

"Not if that wet blanket Hudson has anything to say about it." Woods groaned.

"Woods do you even know where your going?" Lazar asked.

"You two just keep shooting, I'm looking for an exit."

"Damn the exit! Make one if you have to!" Bell advised.

"We won't be doing that today. There! I can see the exit. Hold on boys!" Woods shouted.

"Woah!" Bell gripped the tank as the vehicle rammed into cars, crushing them. They were all slung back and forth inside the unstopable force. Bell focused his fire on the APCs. "Wooo!" He hadn't had this much fun in a long while.

"I'm gonna floor it!" Woods cautioned them. He didn't give the two enough time to prep before they busted through the large metal door.

"Oh hell yeah!" The three of them said in unison.

"Woods, Bell, Lazar? Whats your status?" Park chimned in.

"Gather everyone Park. The entire team." Woods was suddenly no longer hollering with excitment like Bell was.

"Hudson has some explaining to do." Lazar added.

The three joined Adler and Mason in the car. "Take me to Hudson." Bell said sternly, a look in his eye that meant bussiness.

"That's where we're going." Adler lit a cigarette, rolling down his window.

Bell felt his blood boiling when the pulled up to the safehouse. Hudson stood, leaned up against his car. He out his phone down the moment he saw a pair of headlights shine in his direction.

The moment the car stopped, Woods hopped out and marched towards Hudson, his fist colliding with Hudson's cheek. Blood dripped from Hudson's nose. Bell watched as his new friend fumed. He was glad Woods acted upon his instincts first, had it been left up to Bell himself, he would have opted to put a bullet in his foot and leave him to deal with it.

A brawl nearly broke out between the two before Hudson poked his pistol into Woods' stomach. After a few jabs at each others faults Hudson explained to everyone how the nukes were created with the intention to be a counter to a Soviet invasion back in '58. And of course they were placed in every major European city, just to make matters worse.

"In '74 the bombs were upgraded to high yield neutron bombs, capable of terminating personnel without damaging infrastructure." Hudson continued.

"Oh how thoughtful!" Bell said sarcastically. "Preserve the buildings but kill the people who inhabit them." He spat. He noticed Lazar and Adler keeping their composure the best.

"How's that for civilized." Mason added.

"We're trying to preserve our way of life." Hudson argued.

"Bullshit! The only reason you-" Adler put a hand to Bell's chest, shutting him up before they all got started again.

"How long have you known about the missing nuke?" Adler asked.

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